[sips]画像の解像度 dpiWidth dpiHeight
/usr/bin/sips --setProperty dpiHeight 72 "/System/Library/Desktop Pictures/Monterey Graphic.heic" --setProperty format png -o ~/Desktop/dpiHeight.jpg
/usr/bin/sips --setProperty dpiWidth 72 "/System/Library/Desktop Pictures/Monterey Graphic.heic" --setProperty format png -o ~/Desktop/dpiWidth.jpg
ダウンロード - sips2dpiwidth.scpt.zip
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use scripting additions
set aliasLocationPath to (path to desktop pictures folder from system domain)
set aliasImageFilePath to (choose file of type {"public.image", "public.tiff", "public.png", "public.jpeg", "com.adobe.photoshop-image", "public.heic"} with prompt "ファイルを選んで" default location aliasLocationPath without invisibles, showing package contents and multiple selections allowed)
set theImageFilePath to POSIX path of aliasImageFilePath as text
set numDip to 72 as number
set theCommandText to ("/usr/bin/sips --setProperty dpiHeight " & numDip & " \"" & theImageFilePath & "\" --setProperty format png -o ~/Desktop/dpiHeight.png") as text
log "theCommandText:" & theCommandText
do shell script theCommandText
set theCommandText to ("/usr/bin/sips --setProperty dpiWidth " & numDip & " \"" & theImageFilePath & "\" --setProperty format png -o ~/Desktop/dpiWidth.png") as text
log "theCommandText:" & theCommandText
do shell script theCommandText
| 固定リンク
- [sips]カラー判定(2024.06.12)
- [SIPS]見開き画像を左右別ページにCROPする(2022.07.13)
- [sips]画像のリサンプル resampleHeightWidth resampleHeightWidthMax(2022.02.17)
- [sips]画像のCROP(2022.02.17)
- [sips]画像の操作 rotate flip horizontal flip vertical(2022.02.17)