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ダウンロード - shortcutse382b5e383b3e38395e3829ae383ab.zip


tell application "Script Editor"

tell application "System Events"
keystroke "l" using {command down, option down}
end tell
end tell
delay 1

tell application "Shortcuts"

set numFolderCnt to (count every folder) as number
set numChk to 1
repeat numFolderCnt times
set strFolderName to name of folder numChk
set strFolderID to id of folder numChk
log "フォルダ名:" & strFolderName
log "フォルダID" & strFolderID
set numChk to numChk + 1
end repeat

set numShortcutsCnt to (count every shortcut) as number

set numChk to 1
repeat numShortcutsCnt times
set strShortcutName to name of shortcut numChk
set strShortcutID to id of shortcut numChk
set strShortcutFolder to folder of shortcut numChk
set strShortcutSubtitle to subtitle of shortcut numChk

log "ShortcutName " & strShortcutName
log "ShortcutID" & strShortcutID

set numChk to numChk + 1
end repeat

end tell

tell application "Script Editor"
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "l" using {command down, option down}
end tell
end tell
delay 1

tell application "Shortcuts"

set numFolderCnt to (count every folder) as number
set numChk to 1
repeat numFolderCnt times
set strFolderName to name of folder numChk
set strFolderID to id of folder numChk
log "フォルダ名:" & strFolderName
log "フォルダID" & strFolderID

tell folder id strFolderID
set numShortcutsCnt to (count shortcut) as number
set numSChk to 1
repeat numShortcutsCnt times
set strShortcutName to name of shortcut numSChk
set strShortcutID to id of shortcut numSChk
set strShortcutFolder to folder of shortcut numSChk
set strShortcutSubtitle to subtitle of shortcut numSChk

log "" & strFolderName & ":ShortcutName " & strShortcutName
log "" & strFolderName & ":ShortcutID" & strShortcutID
log "" & strFolderName & ":ShortcutSubtitle" & strShortcutSubtitle

set numSChk to numSChk + 1
end repeat

end tell
log "---------------------------------------------------"
set numChk to numChk + 1
end repeat

end tell


tell application "Shortcuts"

tell shortcut id "22590EC1-F6E7-47AD-A040-C29169E9EC63"
end tell

end tell

tell application "Shortcuts"

tell shortcut "省エネ"
end tell

end tell


« [Illustrator]ドキュメントサイズのパスを作成する | トップページ | [Google Chrome]Twitterへ投稿する »

AppleScript Shortcuts」カテゴリの記事