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[Google Chrome]Twitterへ投稿する

5:URLを開く を処理します

ダウンロード - twittere381b8e68a95e7a8bf.zip

#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# スクリプトをユーザーのスクリプトメニューフォルダにコピーします
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application "AppleScript Utility"
set application scripts position to top
set Script menu enabled to true
set show Computer scripts to true
set boolGuiScript to GUI Scripting enabled
if boolGuiScript is false then
GUI Scripting enabled
end if
set theAppPath to default script editor
log theAppPath
end tell

tell application "Finder"
set aliasScriptPath to path to scripts folder from user domain
set boolFolderChk to exists of (folder "Applications" of folder aliasScriptPath)
if boolFolderChk is false then
make new folder at aliasScriptPath with properties {name:"Applications", displayed name:"Applications", comment:"Applications"}
end if
set aliaseScriptAppPath to (folder "Applications" of folder aliasScriptPath) as alias
set boolFolderChk to exists of (folder "Google Chrome" of folder aliaseScriptAppPath)
if boolFolderChk is false then
make new folder at aliaseScriptAppPath with properties {name:"Google Chrome", displayed name:"Google Chrome", comment:"Google Chrome"}
end if

set aliasDistDir to (folder "Google Chrome" of folder aliaseScriptAppPath) as alias
set theDistDir to POSIX path of aliasDistDir as text

end tell

tell application "Finder"
set aliasContainerDir to container of (path to me) as alias
set theContainerDir to POSIX path of aliasContainerDir as text
end tell

set theCommandText to ("ditto \"" & theContainerDir & "Google Chrome\" \"" & theDistDir & "\"")
do shell script theCommandText

tell application "Finder"

open (folder "Twitterへ投稿" of folder "Google Chrome" of folder aliaseScriptAppPath)
select (folder "Twitterへ投稿" of folder "Google Chrome" of folder aliaseScriptAppPath)
end tell


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