[Json] plist化して処理する
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
tell application "Finder"
set aliasPathToMeDir to container of (path to me) as alias
set strPathToMeDir to POSIX path of aliasPathToMeDir as text
end tell
set strURL to "http://express.heartrails.com/api/json?method=getStations&x=139.64277570210587&y=35.43546547173062"
set strPlistPath to "" & strPathToMeDir & "getStations.plist"
set strJsontPath to "" & strPathToMeDir & "getStations.json"
set strCommandText to "/usr/bin/curl -L -o '" & strJsontPath & "' '" & strURL & "' --connect-timeout 20" as text
do shell script strCommandText
set theCommandText to ("/usr/bin/plutil -convert xml1 \"" & strJsontPath & "\" -o \"" & strPlistPath & "\" ") as text
do shell script theCommandText
tell application "System Events"
tell property list file strPlistPath
every property list item
tell property list item "response"
tell property list item "station"
set numCntStation to count of every property list item
set numCntStNo to 1
repeat numCntStation times
tell property list item numCntStNo
tell property list item "name"
set strStationName to value
log strStationName
end tell
end tell
set numCntStNo to numCntStNo + 1
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
--> "石川町"
--> "山手"
--> "関内"
| 固定リンク
- [JSON] JSON 2 PLIST 少し修正(2025.01.09)
- [Json]ROOTがDict形式のJSONの操作(2024.12.08)
- [Json]ROOTがArray形式のJSONの操作(2024.12.08)
- 市区町村番号取得 API利用版 ダイアログ戻り(2024.10.14)
- 市区町村番号取得 API利用版 HTML出力(2024.10.14)