« [com.apple.scriptmenu] defaults | トップページ | [COLOR]カラー関連(スクリプトメニュー用) »


ダウンロード - colorsync.zip

ダウンロード - colorsync.zip

#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

set aliasScriptsFolder to path to scripts folder from user domain as alias

log aliasScriptsFolder

tell application "Finder"
set boolFolderChk to (exists of (folder "ColorSync" of folder aliasScriptsFolder)) as boolean
if (boolFolderChk is false) then
make new folder at aliasScriptsFolder with properties {name:"ColorSync"}
end if
set aliasColorFolder to folder "ColorSync" of folder aliasScriptsFolder as «class furl»
end tell
set aliasOrigFilePath to (POSIX file "/System/Applications/Utilities/ColorSync Utility.app") as alias

tell application "Finder"
set boolFolderChk to (exists of (file "ColorSyncユーティリティ.app" of folder "ColorSync" of folder aliasScriptsFolder)) as boolean
if (boolFolderChk is false) then
make alias at aliasColorFolder to aliasOrigFilePath
end if
end tell

set aliasOrigFilePath to (POSIX file "/System/Library/ColorSync/Calibrators/Display Calibrator.app") as alias

tell application "Finder"
set boolFolderChk to (exists of (file "ディスプレイキャリブレータ.app" of folder "ColorSync" of folder aliasScriptsFolder)) as boolean
if (boolFolderChk is false) then
make alias at aliasColorFolder to aliasOrigFilePath
end if
end tell

set aliasOrigFilePath to (POSIX file "/System/Applications/Utilities/Digital Color Meter.app") as alias

tell application "Finder"
set boolFolderChk to (exists of (file "Digital Color Meter.app" of folder "ColorSync" of folder aliasScriptsFolder)) as boolean
if (boolFolderChk is false) then
make alias at aliasColorFolder to aliasOrigFilePath
end if
end tell


« [com.apple.scriptmenu] defaults | トップページ | [COLOR]カラー関連(スクリプトメニュー用) »
