« [システム設定]外観 com.apple.preference.general(macOS13) | トップページ | [システム設定]一般 com.apple.preference.general(macOS13) »


#!/usr/bin/env osascript
#error number -128
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
property refNSString : a reference to refMe's NSString
property refNSURL : a reference to refMe's NSURL

tell application "System Settings" to launch

set doLaunchApp to get running of application "System Settings"
if doLaunchApp is false then
delay 0.5
exit repeat
end if
end repeat

set strCommandText to "open -b com.apple.systempreferences \"/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Profiles.prefPane\"" as text
do shell script strCommandText
delay 5

tell application "Finder"
set theCmdCom to (" open \"x-apple.systempreferences:com.apple.preferences.configurationprofiles\"") as text
do shell script theCmdCom
end tell

tell application "Finder"
set theCmdCom to (" open \"x-apple.systempreferences:com.apple.Profiles-Settings.extension\"") as text
do shell script theCmdCom
end tell

set ocidWorkspace to refMe's NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace()
set ocidSystemPreferencesURL to refNSURL's URLWithString:"x-apple.systempreferences:com.apple.preferences.configurationprofiles"
#### OS13からは Settings.extensionで開くのが作法
set ocidSystemPreferencesURL to refNSURL's URLWithString:"x-apple.systempreferences:com.apple.Profiles-Settings.extension"

ocidWorkspace's openURL:ocidSystemPreferencesURL


« [システム設定]外観 com.apple.preference.general(macOS13) | トップページ | [システム設定]一般 com.apple.preference.general(macOS13) »

Admin Mobileconfig」カテゴリの記事

Admin Device Management」カテゴリの記事

System Settings」カテゴリの記事