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#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application

##### パス関連
set strDateno to doGetDateNo("yyyyMMddhhmmss") as text
set strFilePath to "~/Desktop/image-" & strDateno & ".tiff" as text
set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:strFilePath
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidFilePathURL to refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:ocidFilePath isDirectory:false

set ocidPasteboard to refMe's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
set ocidPastBoardTypeArray to ocidPasteboard's types
log ocidPastBoardTypeArray as list
set boolContain to ocidPastBoardTypeArray's containsObject:"public.tiff"
if boolContain is true then
  set ocidTiffData to ocidPasteboard's dataForType:(refMe's NSPasteboardTypeTIFF)
  return "イメージ以外なので中止"
end if
set ocidImageData to refMe's NSImage's alloc()'s initWithData:ocidTiffData
set ocidTffRep to ocidImageData's TIFFRepresentation
##### 保存
## set boolFileWrite to (ocidTiffData's writeToURL:ocidFilePathURL atomically:true)
set boolFileWrite to (ocidTffRep's writeToURL:ocidFilePathURL atomically:true)

##### ファイル名用の時間
to doGetDateNo(strDateFormat)
  set ocidDate to current application's NSDate's |date|()
  set ocidNSDateFormatter to current application's NSDateFormatter's alloc()'s init()
  ocidNSDateFormatter's setLocale:(current application's NSLocale's localeWithLocaleIdentifier:"ja_JP_POSIX")
  ocidNSDateFormatter's setDateFormat:strDateFormat
  set ocidDateAndTime to ocidNSDateFormatter's stringFromDate:ocidDate
  set strDateAndTime to ocidDateAndTime as text
  return strDateAndTime
end doGetDateNo


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