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#!/usr/bin/env osascript
#                       com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application

set strCommandText to "/usr/bin/nettop -x -n" as text

tell application "Terminal"
  set objTabWindows to do script "\n\n"
  tell objTabWindows
  end tell
  tell front window
    set numWidowID to id as integer
  end tell
  tell window id numWidowID
    set size to {720, 870}
    set position to {360, 25}
    set origin to {360, 515}
    set frame to {360, 515, 1080, 875}
    set bounds to {360, 25, 1080, 895}
  end tell
  tell objTabWindows
    do script strCommandText in objTabWindows
  end tell
end tell

set strCommandText to "/usr/bin/man -a nettop"

tell application "Terminal"
  set objTabWindows to do script "\n\n"
  tell front window
    set numWidowID to id as integer
  end tell
  tell window id numWidowID
    set size to {360, 870}
    set position to {0, 25}
    set origin to {0, 0}
    set frame to {0, 0, 360, 875}
    set bounds to {0, 25, 360, 900}
  end tell
  tell objTabWindows
    do script strCommandText in objTabWindows
  end tell
end tell


« ok.ruビデオダウンロード | トップページ | [pypdf]add_jsでのエラーKeyError: '/Names'" number 1 »

