« [TTML]Youtube横型のビデオでもTTMLによるポジショニングが有効に | トップページ | リストの値を入れ替える »




set numXOffSet to 36 as integer
set numYOffSet to 58 as integer
set listBounds to {0, 25, 620, 360} as list

tell application "Terminal"
  set listWindowID to id of every window
end tell
repeat with itemWindowID in listWindowID
  set strWindowID to itemWindowID as integer
  tell application "Terminal"
    tell window id strWindowID
      set bounds to listBounds
      set frontmost to true
    end tell
  end tell
  set numFirst to (first item of listBounds) as integer
  set numSecond to (second item of listBounds) as integer
  set numThird to (third item of listBounds) as integer
  set numFourth to (fourth item of listBounds) as integer
  set numFirst to numFirst + numXOffSet as integer
  set numSecond to numSecond + numYOffSet as integer
  set numThird to numThird + numYOffSet as integer
  set numFourth to numFourth + numYOffSet as integer
  set (first item of listBounds) to numFirst as integer
  set (second item of listBounds) to numSecond as integer
  set (third item of listBounds) to numThird as integer
  set (fourth item of listBounds) to numFourth as integer
end repeat


« [TTML]Youtube横型のビデオでもTTMLによるポジショニングが有効に | トップページ | リストの値を入れ替える »
