« リストの値を入れ替える | トップページ | [TCC]kTCCService(OS13.4) »




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
error number -128
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions

set strScreenName to "内蔵Retinaディスプレイ"

property refMe : a reference to current application
set ocidScreenArray to refMe's NSScreen's screens()
set numCntScreen to (count of ocidScreenArray) as integer
repeat with itemScreenArray in ocidScreenArray
  set strItemScreenName to itemScreenArray's localizedName() as text
  log strItemScreenName
  if strItemScreenName is strScreenName then
    set ocidDescription to itemScreenArray's deviceDescription()
    set ocidDeviceSize to (ocidDescription's valueForKey:"NSDeviceSize")
    log ocidDeviceSize as list
    set ocidScreenSize to itemScreenArray's frame()
  end if
end repeat
set numScreenW to (item 1 of (item 2 of ocidScreenSize)) as integer
set numScreenH to (item 2 of (item 2 of ocidScreenSize)) as integer

if numScreenW ≥ numScreenH then
  set numSetW to numScreenH as integer
  set numSetH to numScreenH - 25 as integer
  set numSetW to numScreenW as integer
  set numSetH to numScreenW - 25 as integer
end if

tell application "Terminal"
  set listWindowID to id of every window
end tell
set numCntWindow to (count of listWindowID) as integer

set numRaw to (round numCntWindow / 2 rounding up) as integer

set numHarfSize to (numSetW / 2) as integer
set numWindowP to (numSetH / numRaw) as integer
set listBoundsL to {0, 25, numHarfSize, numWindowP + 25} as list
set listBoundsR to {numHarfSize, 25, numSetW, numWindowP + 25} as list

set boolLeft to true as boolean
repeat with itemWindowID in listWindowID
  set strWindowID to itemWindowID as integer
  tell application "Terminal"
    tell window id strWindowID
      if boolLeft is true then
set bounds to listBoundsL
set bounds to listBoundsR
      end if
      set frontmost to true
    end tell
  end tell
  if boolLeft is true then
    set boolLeft to false as boolean
    set numSecond to (second item of listBoundsL) as integer
    set numFourth to (fourth item of listBoundsL) as integer
    set numSecond to numSecond + numWindowP as integer
    set numFourth to numFourth + numWindowP as integer
    set (second item of listBoundsL) to numSecond as integer
    set (fourth item of listBoundsL) to numFourth as integer
    set boolLeft to true as boolean
    set numSecond to (second item of listBoundsR) as integer
    set numFourth to (fourth item of listBoundsR) as integer
    set numSecond to numSecond + numWindowP as integer
    set numFourth to numFourth + numWindowP as integer
    set (second item of listBoundsR) to numSecond as integer
    set (fourth item of listBoundsR) to numFourth as integer
  end if
end repeat


« リストの値を入れ替える | トップページ | [TCC]kTCCService(OS13.4) »
