« 新規インスタンスで起動させる | トップページ | [LETS]FontWorksのLETSアプリ起動と終了 »



#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKIt"
use framework "UniformTypeIdentifiers"
use scripting additions

set strBundleID to "com.apple.Terminal"

tell application "Terminal" to launch
tell application "Terminal"
  set numCntWindow to (count of every window) as integer
end tell
if numCntWindow = 0 then
  tell application "Terminal" to quit
  delay 2
  tell application "Terminal" to launch
end if
tell application "Terminal"
  tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Terminal"
      set frontmost to true
key down {command}
      keystroke "n"
key up {command}
    end tell
  end tell
end tell
repeat 5 times
  tell application "Terminal"
    set numCntWindow to (count of every window) as integer
  end tell
  if numCntWindow = 0 then
    delay 0.5
    exit repeat
  end if
end repeat

tell application "Terminal"
  tell front window
    set numWindowID to id as integer
  end tell
  tell window id numWindowID
    set position to {0, 25}
  end tell
end tell
###新規ウィンドウを開く(do script方式)
tell application "Terminal"
  set objTabWindows to do script "\n"
  tell objTabWindows
  end tell
end tell
tell application "Terminal"
  tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Terminal"
      set frontmost to true
click menu item "タブを新しいウインドウに移動" of menu 1 of menu bar item "ウインドウ" of menu bar 1
    end tell
  end tell
  tell front window
    set numWindowID to id as integer
  end tell
  tell window id numWindowID
    set position to {0, 340}
  end tell
end tell


« 新規インスタンスで起動させる | トップページ | [LETS]FontWorksのLETSアプリ起動と終了 »
