« WindowのURLファイル(ショートカットファイル)を作る | トップページ | faviconを作る »




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "UniformTypeIdentifiers"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application

tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
set the listRGB16bitColor to (choose color default color {65535, 55535, 0, 0.5}) as list
##########Color Picker Value 16Bit
set numRcolor to item 1 of listRGB16bitColor as number
set numGcolor to item 2 of listRGB16bitColor as number
set numBcolor to item 3 of listRGB16bitColor as number
set numAcolor to 65535 as number

set intRcolor to ((numRcolor / 65535) * 255) as integer
set intGcolor to ((numGcolor / 65535) * 255) as integer
set intBcolor to ((numBcolor / 65535) * 255) as integer
set intAcolor to ((numAcolor / 65535) * 255) as integer

set strHexR to getHex(intRcolor)
set strHexG to getHex(intGcolor)
set strHexB to getHex(intBcolor)

#戻すテキスト ここは工夫次第
set strDisptext to ("#" & strHexR & strHexG & strHexB & "\ncolor:" & "#" & strHexR & strHexG & strHexB & "\ncolor:rgb(" & intRcolor & "," & intGcolor & "," & intBcolor & ")") as text

set theRGB8bitColor to "R:" & intRcolor & " G:" & intGcolor & " B:" & intBcolor as text
tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
set aliasIconPath to POSIX file "/System/Applications/Utilities/Digital Color Meter.app/Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns" as alias
set strTitle to ("コードをコピーしてください") as text
set strMes to ("" & theRGB8bitColor & " のHexColorが\n出来ました\nコピーして使って下さい。") as text
set recordResult to (display dialog strMes default answer the strDisptext with icon aliasIconPath with title strTitle buttons {"クリップボードにコピー", "OK", "キャンセル"} default button "OK" cancel button "キャンセル" giving up after 20 without hidden answer) as record

if button returned of recordResult is "クリップボードにコピー" then
    set strText to text returned of recordResult as text
    set appPasteboard to refMe's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
    set ocidText to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strText))
appPasteboard's clearContents()
appPasteboard's setString:(ocidText) forType:(refMe's NSPasteboardTypeString)
  on error
    tell application "Finder"
      set the clipboard to strTitle as text
    end tell
  end try
end if

property record8Bit2Hex : {|0|:"00", |1|:"01", |2|:"02", |3|:"03", |4|:"04", |5|:"05", |6|:"06", |7|:"07", |8|:"08", |9|:"09", |10|:"0A", |11|:"0B", |12|:"0C", |13|:"0D", |14|:"0E", |15|:"0F", |16|:"10", |17|:"11", |18|:"12", |19|:"13", |20|:"14", |21|:"15", |22|:"16", |23|:"17", |24|:"18", |25|:"19", |26|:"1A", |27|:"1B", |28|:"1C", |29|:"1D", |30|:"1E", |31|:"1F", |32|:"20", |33|:"21", |34|:"22", |35|:"23", |36|:"24", |37|:"25", |38|:"26", |39|:"27", |40|:"28", |41|:"29", |42|:"2A", |43|:"2B", |44|:"2C", |45|:"2D", |46|:"2E", |47|:"2F", |48|:"30", |49|:"31", |50|:"32", |51|:"33", |52|:"34", |53|:"35", |54|:"36", |55|:"37", |56|:"38", |57|:"39", |58|:"3A", |59|:"3B", |60|:"3C", |61|:"3D", |62|:"3E", |63|:"3F", |64|:"40", |65|:"41", |66|:"42", |67|:"43", |68|:"44", |69|:"45", |70|:"46", |71|:"47", |72|:"48", |73|:"49", |74|:"4A", |75|:"4B", |76|:"4C", |77|:"4D", |78|:"4E", |79|:"4F", |80|:"50", |81|:"51", |82|:"52", |83|:"53", |84|:"54", |85|:"55", |86|:"56", |87|:"57", |88|:"58", |89|:"59", |90|:"5A", |91|:"5B", |92|:"5C", |93|:"5D", |94|:"5E", |95|:"5F", |96|:"60", |97|:"61", |98|:"62", |99|:"63", |100|:"64", |101|:"65", |102|:"66", |103|:"67", |104|:"68", |105|:"69", |106|:"6A", |107|:"6B", |108|:"6C", |109|:"6D", |110|:"6E", |111|:"6F", |112|:"70", |113|:"71", |114|:"72", |115|:"73", |116|:"74", |117|:"75", |118|:"76", |119|:"77", |120|:"78", |121|:"79", |122|:"7A", |123|:"7B", |124|:"7C", |125|:"7D", |126|:"7E", |127|:"7F", |128|:"80", |129|:"81", |130|:"82", |131|:"83", |132|:"84", |133|:"85", |134|:"86", |135|:"87", |136|:"88", |137|:"89", |138|:"8A", |139|:"8B", |140|:"8C", |141|:"8D", |142|:"8E", |143|:"8F", |144|:"90", |145|:"91", |146|:"92", |147|:"93", |148|:"94", |149|:"95", |150|:"96", |151|:"97", |152|:"98", |153|:"99", |154|:"9A", |155|:"9B", |156|:"9C", |157|:"9D", |158|:"9E", |159|:"9F", |160|:"A0", |161|:"A1", |162|:"A2", |163|:"A3", |164|:"A4", |165|:"A5", |166|:"A6", |167|:"A7", |168|:"A8", |169|:"A9", |170|:"AA", |171|:"AB", |172|:"AC", |173|:"AD", |174|:"AE", |175|:"AF", |176|:"B0", |177|:"B1", |178|:"B2", |179|:"B3", |180|:"B4", |181|:"B5", |182|:"B6", |183|:"B7", |184|:"B8", |185|:"B9", |186|:"BA", |187|:"BB", |188|:"BC", |189|:"BD", |190|:"BE", |191|:"BF", |192|:"C0", |193|:"C1", |194|:"C2", |195|:"C3", |196|:"C4", |197|:"C5", |198|:"C6", |199|:"C7", |200|:"C8", |201|:"C9", |202|:"CA", |203|:"CB", |204|:"CC", |205|:"CD", |206|:"CE", |207|:"CF", |208|:"D0", |209|:"D1", |210|:"D2", |211|:"D3", |212|:"D4", |213|:"D5", |214|:"D6", |215|:"D7", |216|:"D8", |217|:"D9", |218|:"DA", |219|:"DB", |220|:"DC", |221|:"DD", |222|:"DE", |223|:"DF", |224|:"E0", |225|:"E1", |226|:"E2", |227|:"E3", |228|:"E4", |229|:"E5", |230|:"E6", |231|:"E7", |232|:"E8", |233|:"E9", |234|:"EA", |235|:"EB", |236|:"EC", |237|:"ED", |238|:"EE", |239|:"EF", |240|:"F0", |241|:"F1", |242|:"F2", |243|:"F3", |244|:"F4", |245|:"F5", |246|:"F6", |247|:"F7", |248|:"F8", |249|:"F9", |250|:"FA", |251|:"FB", |252|:"FC", |253|:"FD", |254|:"FE", |255|:"FF"} as record

to getHex(arg8BitNum)
  set ocid8Bit2HexDict to refMe's NSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:0
ocid8Bit2HexDict's setDictionary:(record8Bit2Hex)
  set str8BitNum to arg8BitNum as string
  set ocidValue to (ocid8Bit2HexDict's valueForKey:(str8BitNum))
  set strValue to ocidValue as text
return strValue
end getHex


« WindowのURLファイル(ショートカットファイル)を作る | トップページ | faviconを作る »
