#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
property refNSNotFound : a reference to 9.22337203685477E+18 + 5807
####API ID
property strAPIkey : "ApiKeyをここに" as text
## クリップボードの中身取り出し
set appPasteboard to refMe's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
set ocidPastBoardTypeArray to appPasteboard's types
set boolContain to ocidPastBoardTypeArray's containsObject:"public.utf8-plain-text"
if boolContain = true then
tell application "Finder"
set strReadString to (the clipboard as text) as text
end tell
set boolContain to ocidPastBoardTypeArray's containsObject:"NSStringPboardType"
if boolContain = true then
set ocidReadString to ocidPasteboard's readObjectsForClasses:({refMe's NSString}) options:(missing value)
set strReadString to ocidReadString as text
log "テキストなし"
set strReadString to "YouTubeのビデオURLを入力" as text
end if
end if
set strName to (name of current application) as text
if strName is "osascript" then
tell application "Finder" to activate
tell current application to activate
end if
set aliasIconPath to (POSIX file "/System/Library/CoreServices/Tips.app/Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns") as alias
set strTitle to ("入力してください") as text
set strMes to ("YouTubeURLを入力してください\r") as text
set recordResult to (display dialog strMes with title strTitle default answer strReadString buttons {"キャンセル", "OK"} default button "OK" cancel button "キャンセル" giving up after 30 with icon aliasIconPath without hidden answer)
if (gave up of recordResult) is true then
return "時間切れです"
else if (button returned of recordResult) is "キャンセル" then
return "キャンセルです"
set strReturnedText to (text returned of recordResult) as text
end if
set ocidReturnedText to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strReturnedText)
set ocidURLStr to ocidReturnedText's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:("\r") withString:("")
set ocidURLStr to ocidURLStr's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:("\n") withString:("")
set ocidURL to refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initWithString:(ocidURLStr)
set ocidURLComponents to refMe's NSURLComponents's componentsWithURL:(ocidURL) resolvingAgainstBaseURL:(true)
set strHost to ocidURL's |host|() as text
if strHost is not "www.youtube.com" then
return "Youtube URL 専用"
end if
set strPath to ocidURL's |path|() as text
if strPath starts with "/watch" then
log "ビデオぺージのみ処理する"
else if strPath starts with "/feed" then
return "feedぺージは処理しない"
else if strPath starts with "/results" then
return "resultsぺージは処理しない"
else if strPath starts with "/hashtag" then
return "hashtagぺージは処理しない"
else if strPath is "" then
return "トップぺージは処理しない"
else if strPath is "/" then
return "トップぺージは処理しない"
end if
set recordRange to ocidURLComponents's rangeOfQuery()
set ocidLocation to location of recordRange
if ocidLocation = refNSNotFound then
return "クエリーの無いURLは処理しない"
end if
set ocidQueryArray to ocidURLComponents's queryItems
set strLastPath to ocidURL's lastPathComponent() as text
if strLastPath is "watch" then
repeat with itemQuery in ocidQueryArray
set strQueryName to itemQuery's |name| as text
if strQueryName is "v" then
set strVideoID to itemQuery's value as text
else if strQueryName is "list" then
set strPlayListID to itemQuery's value as text
else if strQueryName is "index" then
set strPlayListIndex to itemQuery's value as text
end if
end repeat
else if strLastPath is "playlist" then
repeat with itemQuery in ocidQueryArray
set strQueryName to itemQuery's |name| as text
if strQueryName is "list" then
set strPlayListID to itemQuery's value as text
end if
end repeat
end if
if strVideoID ≠ (missing value) then
set strBaseURL to ("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/captions") as text
set ocidBaseURLStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strBaseURL)
set ocidBaseURL to refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initWithString:(ocidBaseURLStr)
set ocidBaseURLComponents to refMe's NSURLComponents's componentsWithURL:(ocidBaseURL) resolvingAgainstBaseURL:(true)
set ocidQueryArray to refMe's NSMutableArray's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0)
set ocidQueryItem to refMe's NSURLQueryItem's alloc()'s initWithName:("part") value:("snippet")
ocidQueryArray's addObject:(ocidQueryItem)
set ocidQueryItem to refMe's NSURLQueryItem's alloc()'s initWithName:("videoId") value:(strVideoID)
ocidQueryArray's addObject:(ocidQueryItem)
set ocidQueryItem to refMe's NSURLQueryItem's alloc()'s initWithName:("maxResults") value:("1")
ocidQueryArray's addObject:(ocidQueryItem)
return "VIDEOidの無いURLは処理しない"
end if
ocidBaseURLComponents's setQueryItems:(ocidQueryArray)
set ocidOpenURL to ocidBaseURLComponents's |URL|()
set strOpenURL to ocidOpenURL's absoluteString() as text
log "呼び出したURL: " & strOpenURL
##Get JSON
### 【1】JSONのURL
set ocidApiURL to ocidOpenURL
### 【2】URLの内容JSONをNSdataに格納
set ocidOption to (refMe's NSDataReadingMappedIfSafe)
set listReadData to refMe's NSData's alloc()'s initWithContentsOfURL:(ocidApiURL) options:(ocidOption) |error|:(reference)
set ocidReadData to (item 1 of listReadData)
### 【3】NSPropertyListSerializationしてレコードに
set ocidOption to (refMe's NSJSONReadingMutableContainers)
set listJSONSerialization to (refMe's NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:(ocidReadData) options:(ocidOption) |error|:(reference))
set ocidPlistDict to item 1 of listJSONSerialization
set ocidItemsArray to (ocidPlistDict's valueForKey:("items"))
repeat with itemItemsDict in ocidItemsArray
set ocidVideoID to (itemItemsDict's valueForKey:("id"))
set ocidSnipetDict to (itemItemsDict's valueForKey:("snippet"))
set ocidChannelID to (ocidSnipetDict's valueForKey:("channelId"))
set ocidChannelTitle to (ocidSnipetDict's valueForKey:("channelTitle"))
set ocidVideTitle to (ocidSnipetDict's valueForKey:("title"))
set ocidPublishedDate to (ocidSnipetDict's valueForKey:("publishedAt"))
set ocidDescription to (ocidSnipetDict's valueForKey:("description"))
set ocidCategoryID to (ocidSnipetDict's valueForKey:("categoryId"))
set ocidThumbnailsDict to (ocidSnipetDict's valueForKey:("thumbnails"))
set ocidDefaultThumbnailsDict to (ocidThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("default"))
set ocidDefaultThumbnailsURL to (ocidDefaultThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("url"))
set ocidDefaultThumbnailsWidth to (ocidDefaultThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("width"))
set ocidDefaultThumbnailsHeight to (ocidDefaultThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("height"))
set ocidMediumThumbnailsDict to (ocidThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("medium"))
set ocidMediumThumbnailsURL to (ocidMediumThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("url"))
set ocidMediumThumbnailsWidth to (ocidMediumThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("width"))
set ocidMediumThumbnailsHeight to (ocidMediumThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("height"))
set ocidHighThumbnailsDict to (ocidThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("high"))
set ocidHighThumbnailsURL to (ocidHighThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("url"))
set ocidHighThumbnailsWidth to (ocidHighThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("width"))
set ocidHighThumbnailsHeight to (ocidHighThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("height"))
set ocidStandardThumbnailsDict to (ocidThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("standard"))
set ocidStandardThumbnailsURL to (ocidStandardThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("url"))
set ocidStandardThumbnailsWidth to (ocidStandardThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("width"))
set ocidStandardThumbnailsHeight to (ocidStandardThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("height"))
set ocidMaxresThumbnailsDict to (ocidThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("maxres"))
set ocidMaxresThumbnailsURL to (ocidMaxresThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("url"))
set ocidMaxresThumbnailsWidth to (ocidMaxresThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("width"))
set ocidMaxresThumbnailsHeight to (ocidMaxresThumbnailsDict's valueForKey:("height"))
end repeat
| 固定リンク
- [DaVinci Resolve]DaVinci Resolveから書き出したVTTにLineポジションを付与する(2024.07.14)
- [Youtube API]チャンネルIDからチャンネルのアップロードビデオを取得する(2024.03.15)
- [YoutubeAPI] チャンネルIDからチャンネルのアップロードビデオのリストIDを取得する(2024.03.14)
- [YoutubeAPI] チャンネルIDからカスタムURL=ユーザー名(アカウント名)を取得(2024.03.14)
- [Youtube]ビデオIDから主要な情報を取得(2024.01.13)