#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "Quartz"
use framework "CoreImage"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
on run
set aliasIconPass to (POSIX file "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/MultipleItemsIcon.icns") as alias
set strDialogText to "ドロップしても利用できます"
set strTitleText to "画像ファイルを選んでください"
set listButton to {"ファイルを選びます", "キャンセル"} as list
display dialog strDialogText buttons listButton default button 1 cancel button 2 with title strTitleText with icon aliasIconPass giving up after 2 with hidden answer
set aliasDefaultLocation to (path to desktop folder from user domain) as alias
set listChooseFileUTI to {"public.png", "public.jpeg"}
set strPromptText to "イメージファイルを選んでください" as text
set strPromptMes to "イメージファイルを選んでください" as text
set listAliasFilePath to (choose file strPromptMes with prompt strPromptText default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listChooseFileUTI with showing package contents, invisibles and multiple selections allowed) as list
open listAliasFilePath
end run
on open listAliasFilePath
tell current application
set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
tell application "Finder" to activate
tell current application to activate
end if
set listResolution to {"72", "96", "120", "144", "216", "288", "300", "360"} as list
set listResponse to (choose from list listResolution with title "選んでください" with prompt "解像度を選んでください" default items (item 1 of listResolution) OK button name "OK" cancel button name "キャンセル" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed) as list
on error
log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
if (item 1 of listResponse) is false then
return "キャンセルしました"
end if
set strResolution to (item 1 of listResponse) as text
set numResolution to strResolution as integer
set ocidFalse to (refMe's NSNumber's numberWithBool:false)'s boolValue
set ocidTrue to (refMe's NSNumber's numberWithBool:true)'s boolValue
repeat with itemAliasFilePath in listAliasFilePath
set strFilePath to (POSIX path of itemAliasFilePath) as text
set ocidFilePathStr to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:strFilePath)
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath
set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:ocidFilePath)
set ocidFileName to ocidFilePathURL's lastPathComponent()
set strPrefixName to ocidFileName's stringByDeletingPathExtension as text
set ocidContainerDirURL to ocidFilePathURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent()
set ocidExtensionName to ocidFilePathURL's pathExtension()
set ocidExtensionNameLowCase to ocidExtensionName's lowercaseString()
set strExtensionName to ocidExtensionNameLowCase as text
#### 本処理
set ocidImageData to (refMe's NSImage's alloc()'s initWithContentsOfURL:ocidFilePathURL)
set ocidImageDataSize to ocidImageData's |size|()
set numPointWidth to width of ocidImageDataSize
set numPointHeight to height of ocidImageDataSize
set ocidImageRepArray to ocidImageData's representations()
set ocidImageRep to (ocidImageRepArray's objectAtIndex:0)
set ocidPropertiesArray to ocidImageRep's |properties|
set numPixelsWidth to ocidImageRep's pixelsWide()
set numPixelsHeight to ocidImageRep's pixelsHigh()
set numSetResolution to (numResolution / 72.0) as number
# ピクセルサイズに↑の比率で割って セットするポイントサイズ
set numNewImageWidth to (numPixelsWidth / numSetResolution) as number
set numNewImageHeight to (numPixelsHeight / numSetResolution) as number
set recordNewImageSize to {width:numNewImageWidth, height:numNewImageHeight} as record
(ocidImageRep's setSize:(recordNewImageSize))
if strExtensionName is "png" then
###展開 PNG
set ocidSaveImageType to refMe's NSBitmapImageFileTypePNG
set ocidNewImageData to (ocidImageRep's representationUsingType:ocidSaveImageType |properties|:(ocidPropertiesArray))
else if strExtensionName is "jpg" then
###展開 JPEG
set ocidSaveImageType to refMe's NSBitmapImageFileTypeJPEG
set ocidNewImageData to (ocidImageRep's representationUsingType:ocidSaveImageType |properties|:(ocidPropertiesArray))
else if strExtensionName is "jpeg" then
set ocidSaveImageType to refMe's NSBitmapImageFileTypeJPEG
set ocidNewImageData to (ocidImageRep's representationUsingType:ocidSaveImageType |properties|:(ocidPropertiesArray))
log "処理しないでそのまま保存"
end if
set boolResults to (ocidNewImageData's writeToURL:ocidFilePathURL atomically:true)
if boolResults is true then
log "処理OK"
log "処理NGなのでそのままにする"
log "失敗ラベル赤を塗る"
set boolResults to (ocidImagFilePathURL's setResourceValue:6 forKey:(refMe's NSURLLabelNumberKey) |error|:(reference))
end if
set ocidImageData to ""
set ocidImageRep to ""
set ocidNewImageData to ""
end repeat
end open
| 固定リンク
- [NSIMAGE]ピクセルサイズはそのままポイントサイズを半分にして144ppiにする(2024.12.06)
- [NSImageRep] 画像の解像度(ピクセル密度)を取得する(2024.06.10)
- 画像の解像度だけ変更する(2024.02.24)
- [NSImage]画像の解像度変更(2023.02.24)
- [NSimage] イメージデータをPDFに変換(2023.01.27)