

ダウンロード - 20240507_175450.html


【スクリプトエディタで開く】 |

001#!/usr/bin/env osascript
009use AppleScript version "2.8"
010use framework "Foundation"
011use framework "AppKit"
012use scripting additions
014property refMe : a reference to current application
015set boolDirExists to false as boolean
019set listVersion to {"28", "27", "26"} as list
022set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
023set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSApplicationSupportDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
024set ocidApplicatioocidupportDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
025repeat with itemVarsion in listVersion
026  set ocidDirPathURL to (ocidApplicatioocidupportDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Adobe/Adobe Illustrator " & itemVarsion & "/ja_JP/合成フォント"))
027  set ocidDirPath to ocidDirPathURL's |path|()
028  set boolDirExists to (appFileManager's fileExistsAtPath:(ocidDirPath) isDirectory:(true))
029  if boolDirExists is true then
030    set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
031    exit repeat
032  end if
033end repeat
034if boolDirExists is false then
035  ### デフォルトロケーションタイプAデスクトップ
036  set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
037  set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
038  set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
039end if
040set listUTI to {""}
041set strMes to ("合成フォントファイルを選んでください") as text
042set strPrompt to ("合成フォントファイルを選んでください") as text
044  ### ファイル選択時
045  set aliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
046on error
047  log "エラーしました"
048  return "エラーしました"
049end try
052set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
053set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
054set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
055set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)
057set ocidOption to (refMe's NSDataReadingMappedIfSafe)
058set listResponse to refMe's NSData's dataWithContentsOfURL:(ocidFilePathURL) options:(ocidOption) |error| :(reference)
059if (item 2 of listResponse) ≠ (missing value) then
060  log (item 2 of listResponse)'s localizedDescription() as text
061  return "Data読み込みでエラーしました"
062else if (item 2 of listResponse) = (missing value) then
063  set ocidReadData to (item 1 of listResponse)
064end if
067set numOffSet to 100 as integer
068set ocidDataLength to ocidReadData's |length|()
069set ocidRage to refMe's NSRange's NSMakeRange(numOffSet, (ocidDataLength - numOffSet))
071  #レンジの幅のみのデータを受け取り
072  set ocidTrimData to ocidReadData's subdataWithRange:(ocidRage)
073  #テキストに変換
074  set ocidReadText to refMe's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:(ocidTrimData) encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
075  #エラーがなくなるまで繰り返し
076  if ocidReadText = (missing value) then
077    #ファイルの末尾の読み込みを削っていく
078    set ocidDataLength to ocidDataLength - 100
079    #レンジにして
080    set ocidRage to refMe's NSRange's NSMakeRange(numOffSet, (ocidDataLength))
081  else
082    exit repeat
083  end if
084end repeat
087set ocidOutPutstring to refMe's NSMutableString's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0)
089set ocidChrSet to refMe's NSCharacterSet's characterSetWithCharactersInString:("\r\n")
090set ocidReadArray to ocidReadText's componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(ocidChrSet)
092repeat with itemLine in ocidReadArray
093  set boolContain to (itemLine's hasPrefix:("%%BeginResource:"))
094  if boolContain is true then
095    set ocidInsText to (itemLine's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:("%%BeginResource: Font ") withString:("合成フォントID\n"))
096    (ocidOutPutstring's appendString:(ocidInsText))
097    (ocidOutPutstring's appendString:("\n"))
098  end if
099end repeat
101set ocidSelf to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:("self")
102set ocidSortedArray to ocidReadArray's sortedArrayUsingSelector:"localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:"
104set ocidSortedArrayM to refMe's NSMutableArray's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0)
105ocidSortedArrayM's addObjectsFromArray:(ocidSortedArray)
107set numCntArray to ocidSortedArrayM's |count|()
108repeat with itemIntNo from (numCntArray - 1) to 1 by -1
109  set ocidLineText to (ocidSortedArrayM's objectAtIndex:(itemIntNo))
110  set boolContain to (ocidLineText's hasPrefix:("%%+ Font"))
111  if boolContain is true then
112    set strNextText to (ocidSortedArrayM's objectAtIndex:(itemIntNo - 1)) as text
113    if (ocidLineText as text) is strNextText then
114      (ocidSortedArrayM's removeObjectAtIndex:(itemIntNo))
115    end if
116  else
117    (ocidSortedArrayM's removeObjectAtIndex:(itemIntNo))
118  end if
119end repeat
120(ocidSortedArrayM's removeObjectAtIndex:(0))
123(ocidOutPutstring's appendString:("使用されているフォント"))
124(ocidOutPutstring's appendString:("\n"))
126repeat with itemArray in ocidSortedArrayM
127  set ocidPsFontName to (itemArray's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:("%%+ Font ") withString:(""))
128  (ocidOutPutstring's appendString:(ocidPsFontName))
129  (ocidOutPutstring's appendString:("\n"))
130end repeat
134tell current application
135  set strName to name as text
136end tell
137if strName is "osascript" then
138  tell application "Finder"
139    activate
140  end tell
142  tell current application
143    activate
144  end tell
145end if
146set aliasIconPath to (POSIX file "/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Sync/CoreSync/Core") as alias
147set strMes to "Postscriptフォント名です"
149  set recordResult to (display dialog strMes with title "戻り値です" default answer (ocidOutPutstring as text) buttons {"クリップボードにコピー", "終了", "再実行"} default button "再実行" cancel button "終了" giving up after 20 with icon aliasIconPath without hidden answer) as record
150on error
151  return "エラーしました"
152end try
153if (gave up of recordResult) is true then
154  return "時間切れです"
155end if
159if button returned of recordResult is "再実行" then
160  tell application "Finder"
161    set aliasPathToMe to (path to me) as alias
162  end tell
163  run script aliasPathToMe with parameters "再実行"
164end if
168if button returned of recordResult is "クリップボードにコピー" then
169  try
170    set strText to text returned of recordResult as text
171    ####ペーストボード宣言
172    set appPasteboard to refMe's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
173    set ocidText to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strText))
174    appPasteboard's clearContents()
175    appPasteboard's setString:(ocidText) forType:(refMe's NSPasteboardTypeString)
176  on error
177    tell application "Finder"
178      set the clipboard to strText as text
179    end tell
180  end try
181end if
184return 0


TSV2AdobeXML タブ区切りテキストからAdobe Illustratorの変数印字用の『変数ライブラリ』を生成する(1ページに複数面付け版)

TSV2AdobeXML タブ区切りテキストからAdobe Illustratorの変数印字用の『変数ライブラリ』を生成する


ダウンロード -


#!/usr/bin/env osascript
Adobe Illustrator用の変数用のXMLを生成します


use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
property refNSNotFound : a reference to 9.22337203685477E+18 + 5807
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

### 【1】設定項目
set numPageEntries to 10 as integer

### 【1】入力ファイル
tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
tell application "Finder"
  set aliasPathToMe to (path to me) as alias
  set aliasContainerDir to (container of aliasPathToMe) as alias
end tell
set listUTI to {""}
set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
  ### ファイル選択時
  set aliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location aliasContainerDir of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
on error
log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
if aliasFilePath is (missing value) then
return "選んでください"
end if
set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
set ocidFilePathStr to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath))
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)
### 【2】保存先
set ocidContainerDirPathURL to ocidFilePathURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent()
set aliasContainerDirPath to (ocidContainerDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set strMes to "フォルダを選んでください" as text
set strPrompt to "保存先フォルダを選択してください\n同名ファイルがある場合\n『上書き』になります" as text
  set strName to (name of current application) as text
  if strName is "osascript" then
    tell application "Finder" to activate
    tell current application to activate
  end if
  set aliasResponse to (choose folder strMes with prompt strPrompt default location aliasContainerDirPath with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
on error
log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
set strSaveDirPath to (POSIX path of aliasResponse) as text
set ocidSaveDirPathStr to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strSaveDirPath))
set ocidSaveDirPath to ocidSaveDirPathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidSaveDirPathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidSaveDirPath) isDirectory:true)
set ocidSaveFilePathURL to ocidSaveDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("variables.xml")
### 【3】本処理
set listResponse to (refMe's NSString's alloc()'s initWithContentsOfURL:(ocidFilePathURL) usedEncoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(reference))
set ocidReadString to (item 1 of listResponse)
if ocidReadString = (missing value) then
return "文字コードを判定出来ませんでした : " & strFileName
end if

set ocidCRChar to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:("\r")
set ocidLFChar to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:("\n")
set ocidCRLFChar to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:("\r\n")
set ocidReadStringsA to ocidReadString's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:(ocidCRLFChar) withString:(ocidLFChar)
set ocidReadStrings to ocidReadStringsA's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:(ocidCRChar) withString:(ocidLFChar)

set ocidCharSet to (refMe's NSCharacterSet's newlineCharacterSet)
set ocidLineArray to (ocidReadStrings's componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(ocidCharSet))

set ocidEditLineArray to refMe's NSMutableArray's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0)

set numCntLineNo to 0 as integer
repeat with itemLineArray in ocidLineArray
  set ocidEditLineText to (refMe's NSMutableString's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0))
  if numCntLineNo = 0 then
    set strAppendText to ("rowno\t") as text
(ocidEditLineText's appendString:(strAppendText))
(ocidEditLineText's appendString:(itemLineArray))
    if (itemLineArray as text) is "" then
      exit repeat
    end if
    set strAppendText to (numCntLineNo & "\t") as text
(ocidEditLineText's appendString:(strAppendText))
(ocidEditLineText's appendString:(itemLineArray))
  end if
(ocidEditLineArray's addObject:(ocidEditLineText))
  set numCntLineNo to (numCntLineNo + 1) as integer
end repeat

set ocidFirstObjectString to ocidEditLineArray's firstObject()
set ocidFirstRowArray to ocidFirstObjectString's componentsSeparatedByString:("\t")

set ocidXMLDoc to refMe's NSXMLDocument's alloc()'s init()
ocidXMLDoc's setVersion:("1.0")
ocidXMLDoc's setCharacterEncoding:("utf-8")
ocidXMLDoc's setDocumentContentKind:(refMe's NSXMLDocumentXMLKind)
set ocidDTD to refMe's NSXMLDTD's alloc()'s init()
ocidDTD's setName:("svg")
ocidDTD's setPublicID:("-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN")
ocidDTD's setSystemID:("")
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_graphs \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_vars \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_imrep \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_custom \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_flows \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_extend \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
ocidXMLDoc's setDTD:(ocidDTD)
set ocidRootElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("svg")
set ocidVsetsElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variableSets")
set ocidSetNameSpace to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:("") stringValue:("&ns_vars;")
ocidVsetsElement's addNamespace:(ocidSetNameSpace)

set ocidVsetElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variableSet")
set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("varSetName") stringValue:("binding1"))
(ocidVsetElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("locked") stringValue:("none"))
(ocidVsetElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))

set ocidVariablesElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variables")
可変テキスト:trait="textcontent" category="&ns_flows;"
フィアルパス:trait="fileref" category="&ns_vars;"
表示有無:trait="visibility" category="&ns_vars;"
表示有無?:trait="graphdata" category="&ns_graphs;"
repeat with itemEntries from 1 to numPageEntries by 1
  set ocidVariableElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variable"))
  repeat with itemFirstRowArray in ocidFirstRowArray
    set strFirstRowArray to itemFirstRowArray as text
    set ocidVariableElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variable"))
    set strSetVarName to ("E" & itemEntries & "-" & strFirstRowArray) as text
    set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("varName") stringValue:(strSetVarName))
(ocidVariableElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
    set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("category") stringValue:("&ns_flows;"))
(ocidVariableElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
    set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("trait") stringValue:("textcontent"))
(ocidVariableElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
(ocidVariablesElement's addChild:(ocidVariableElement))
  end repeat
end repeat

set ocidDataSetsElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("v:sampleDataSets")
set ocidSetNameSpace to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:("v") stringValue:("&ns_vars;")
ocidDataSetsElement's addNamespace:(ocidSetNameSpace)
set ocidSetNameSpace to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:("") stringValue:("&ns_custom;")
ocidDataSetsElement's addNamespace:(ocidSetNameSpace)

#データのリスト行数 先頭行の項目名行を除くので1引く
set numCntEditArray to ((count of ocidEditLineArray) - 1) as integer
set numMakePage to (round of (numCntEditArray / numPageEntries) rounding up) as integer
set numCntRowNoAll to 1 as integer
repeat with itemdataSet from 1 to numMakePage by 1
  set ocidDataSetElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("v:sampleDataSet"))
  set strSetDataSetName to (itemdataSet & ":ページ目") as text
  set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("dataSetName") stringValue:(strSetDataSetName))
(ocidDataSetElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
  repeat with itemPageEntries from 1 to numPageEntries by 1
    set ocidRowStrings to (ocidEditLineArray's objectAtIndex:(numCntRowNoAll))
    set ocidRowArray to (ocidRowStrings's componentsSeparatedByString:("\t"))
    set numCntRowItemAll to ((count of ocidRowArray) - 1) as integer
    set numCntRowItem to 0 as integer
    repeat with itemFirstRowArray in ocidFirstRowArray
      set strSetVarName to ("E" & itemPageEntries & "-" & itemFirstRowArray) as text
      set ocidDataSetChildElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:(strSetVarName))
      set strSetValieRowItem to (ocidRowArray's objectAtIndex:(numCntRowItem)) as text
      set ocidPElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("p"))
(ocidPElement's setStringValue:(strSetValieRowItem))
(ocidDataSetChildElement's addChild:(ocidPElement))
(ocidDataSetElement's addChild:(ocidDataSetChildElement))
      set numCntRowItem to (numCntRowItem + 1) as integer
    end repeat
    set numCntRowNoAll to numCntRowNoAll + 1 as integer
    if numCntRowNoAll > (numCntEditArray) then
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
(ocidDataSetsElement's addChild:(ocidDataSetElement))
end repeat

ocidVsetElement's addChild:(ocidVariablesElement)
ocidVsetElement's addChild:(ocidDataSetsElement)
ocidVsetsElement's addChild:(ocidVsetElement)
ocidRootElement's addChild:(ocidVsetsElement)
ocidXMLDoc's setRootElement:(ocidRootElement)
set ocidXMLdata to ocidXMLDoc's XMLDataWithOptions:(refMe's NSXMLNodeExpandEmptyElement)
set ocidXMLString to refMe's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:(ocidXMLdata) encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
set ocidSaveStrings to ocidXMLString's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:(ocidLFChar) withString:(ocidCRLFChar)
set listDone to (ocidSaveStrings's writeToURL:(ocidSaveFilePathURL) atomically:true encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(reference))



TSV2AdobeXML タブ区切りテキストからAdobe Illustratorの変数印字用の『変数ライブラリ』を生成する

TSV2AdobeXML タブ区切りテキストからAdobe Illustratorの変数印字用の『変数ライブラリ』を生成する(1ページに複数面付け版)


ダウンロード -



#!/usr/bin/env osascript
Adobe Illustrator用の変数用のXMLを生成します
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
property refNSNotFound : a reference to 9.22337203685477E+18 + 5807
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

### 【1】入力ファイル
tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set aliasDesktopDirPath to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set listUTI to {""}
set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
  ### ファイル選択時
  set aliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location aliasDesktopDirPath of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
on error
log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
if aliasFilePath is (missing value) then
return "選んでください"
end if
set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
set ocidFilePathStr to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath))
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)
### 【2】保存先
set ocidContainerDirPathURL to ocidFilePathURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent()
set aliasContainerDirPath to (ocidContainerDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set strMes to "フォルダを選んでください" as text
set strPrompt to "保存先フォルダを選択してください\n同名ファイルがある場合\n『上書き』になります" as text
  set strName to (name of current application) as text
  if strName is "osascript" then
    tell application "Finder" to activate
    tell current application to activate
  end if
  set aliasResponse to (choose folder strMes with prompt strPrompt default location aliasContainerDirPath with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
on error
log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
set strSaveDirPath to (POSIX path of aliasResponse) as text
set ocidSaveDirPathStr to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strSaveDirPath))
set ocidSaveDirPath to ocidSaveDirPathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidSaveDirPathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidSaveDirPath) isDirectory:true)
set ocidSaveFilePathURL to ocidSaveDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("variables.xml")
### 【3】本処理
set listResponse to (refMe's NSString's alloc()'s initWithContentsOfURL:(ocidFilePathURL) usedEncoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(reference))
set ocidReadString to (item 1 of listResponse)
if ocidReadString = (missing value) then
return "文字コードを判定出来ませんでした : " & strFileName
end if

set ocidCRChar to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:("\r")
set ocidLFChar to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:("\n")
set ocidCRLFChar to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:("\r\n")
set ocidReadStringsA to ocidReadString's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:(ocidCRLFChar) withString:(ocidLFChar)
set ocidReadStrings to ocidReadStringsA's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:(ocidCRChar) withString:(ocidLFChar)
set ocidCharSet to (refMe's NSCharacterSet's newlineCharacterSet)
set ocidLineArray to (ocidReadStrings's componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(ocidCharSet))
set ocidEditLineArray to refMe's NSMutableArray's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0)
set numCntLineNo to 0 as integer
repeat with itemLineArray in ocidLineArray
  set ocidEditLineText to (refMe's NSMutableString's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0))
  if numCntLineNo = 0 then
    set strAppendText to ("rowno\t") as text
(ocidEditLineText's appendString:(strAppendText))
(ocidEditLineText's appendString:(itemLineArray))
    if (itemLineArray as text) is "" then
      exit repeat
    end if
    set strAppendText to (numCntLineNo & "\t") as text
(ocidEditLineText's appendString:(strAppendText))
(ocidEditLineText's appendString:(itemLineArray))
  end if
(ocidEditLineArray's addObject:(ocidEditLineText))
  set numCntLineNo to (numCntLineNo + 1) as integer
end repeat

set ocidFirstObjectString to ocidEditLineArray's firstObject()
set ocidFirstRowArray to ocidFirstObjectString's componentsSeparatedByString:("\t")

set ocidXMLDoc to refMe's NSXMLDocument's alloc()'s init()
ocidXMLDoc's setVersion:("1.0")
ocidXMLDoc's setCharacterEncoding:("utf-8")
ocidXMLDoc's setDocumentContentKind:(refMe's NSXMLDocumentXMLKind)
set ocidDTD to refMe's NSXMLDTD's alloc()'s init()
ocidDTD's setName:("svg")
ocidDTD's setPublicID:("-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN")
ocidDTD's setSystemID:("")
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_graphs \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_vars \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_imrep \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_custom \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_flows \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
set strEntitry to ("<!ENTITY ns_extend \"\">") as text
set ocidEntitry to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strEntitry)
set ocidEntityNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithXMLString:(ocidEntitry)
ocidEntityNode's setDTDKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeEntityKind)
ocidDTD's addChild:(ocidEntityNode)
ocidXMLDoc's setDTD:(ocidDTD)
set ocidRootElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("svg")
set ocidVsetsElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variableSets")
set ocidSetNameSpace to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:("") stringValue:("&ns_vars;")
ocidVsetsElement's addNamespace:(ocidSetNameSpace)

set ocidVsetElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variableSet")
set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("varSetName") stringValue:("binding1"))
(ocidVsetElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("locked") stringValue:("none"))
(ocidVsetElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))

set ocidVariablesElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variables")
可変テキスト:trait="textcontent" category="&ns_flows;"
フィアルパス:trait="fileref" category="&ns_vars;"
表示有無:trait="visibility" category="&ns_vars;"
表示有無?:trait="graphdata" category="&ns_graphs;"
set ocidVariableElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variable"))

repeat with itemFirstRowArray in ocidFirstRowArray
  set strFirstRowArray to itemFirstRowArray as text
  set ocidVariableElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("variable"))
  set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("varName") stringValue:(strFirstRowArray))
(ocidVariableElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
  set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("category") stringValue:("&ns_flows;"))
(ocidVariableElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
  set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("trait") stringValue:("textcontent"))
(ocidVariableElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
(ocidVariablesElement's addChild:(ocidVariableElement))
end repeat

set ocidDataSetsElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("v:sampleDataSets")
set ocidSetNameSpace to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:("v") stringValue:("&ns_vars;")
ocidDataSetsElement's addNamespace:(ocidSetNameSpace)
set ocidSetNameSpace to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:("") stringValue:("&ns_custom;")
ocidDataSetsElement's addNamespace:(ocidSetNameSpace)
set numCntEditArray to (count of ocidEditLineArray) as integer
repeat with itemIntNo from 1 to (numCntEditArray - 1) by 1
  set ocidDataSetElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("v:sampleDataSet"))
  set ocidRowStrings to (ocidEditLineArray's objectAtIndex:(itemIntNo))
  set ocidRowArray to (ocidRowStrings's componentsSeparatedByString:("\t"))
  set strRowNo to (ocidRowArray's objectAtIndex:(0)) as text
  set strRowName to (ocidRowArray's objectAtIndex:(1)) as text
  set strSetName to (strRowNo & ":" & strRowName) as text
  set ocidAddNode to (refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:("dataSetName") stringValue:(strSetName))
(ocidDataSetElement's addAttribute:(ocidAddNode))
  set numCntFirstRowArray to (count of ocidFirstRowArray) as integer
  repeat with itemIntNo from 0 to (numCntFirstRowArray - 1) by 1
    set ocidFirstRowValue to (ocidFirstRowArray's objectAtIndex:(itemIntNo))
    set ocidDataSetChildElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:(ocidFirstRowValue))
    set strSetRowItem to (ocidRowArray's objectAtIndex:(itemIntNo))
    set ocidPElement to (refMe's NSXMLElement's elementWithName:("p"))
(ocidPElement's setStringValue:(strSetRowItem))
(ocidDataSetChildElement's addChild:(ocidPElement))
(ocidDataSetElement's addChild:(ocidDataSetChildElement))
  end repeat
(ocidDataSetsElement's addChild:(ocidDataSetElement))
end repeat

ocidVsetElement's addChild:(ocidVariablesElement)
ocidVsetElement's addChild:(ocidDataSetsElement)
ocidVsetsElement's addChild:(ocidVsetElement)
ocidRootElement's addChild:(ocidVsetsElement)
ocidXMLDoc's setRootElement:(ocidRootElement)
set ocidXMLdata to ocidXMLDoc's XMLDataWithOptions:(refMe's NSXMLNodeExpandEmptyElement)
set ocidXMLString to refMe's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:(ocidXMLdata) encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
set ocidSaveStrings to ocidXMLString's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:(ocidLFChar) withString:(ocidCRLFChar)
set listDone to (ocidSaveStrings's writeToURL:(ocidSaveFilePathURL) atomically:true encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(reference))





#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application

########### DTD
set ocidDTD to refMe's NSXMLDTD's alloc()'s init()
ocidDTD's setPublicID:"-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN"
ocidDTD's setSystemID:""
ocidDTD's setName:"svg"

set ocidDTDNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind) options:(refMe's NSXMLNodeLoadExternalEntitiesAlways)
ocidDTDNode's setName:"ns_graphs"
ocidDTDNode's setStringValue:""
ocidDTD's addChild:ocidDTDNode

set ocidDTDNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind) options:(refMe's NSXMLNodeLoadExternalEntitiesAlways)
ocidDTDNode's setName:"ns_vars"
ocidDTDNode's setStringValue:""
ocidDTD's addChild:ocidDTDNode

set ocidDTDNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind) options:(refMe's NSXMLNodeLoadExternalEntitiesAlways)
ocidDTDNode's setName:"ns_imrep"
ocidDTDNode's setStringValue:""
ocidDTD's addChild:ocidDTDNode

set ocidDTDNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind) options:(refMe's NSXMLNodeLoadExternalEntitiesAlways)
ocidDTDNode's setName:"ns_custom"
ocidDTDNode's setStringValue:""
ocidDTD's addChild:ocidDTDNode

set ocidDTDNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind) options:(refMe's NSXMLNodeLoadExternalEntitiesAlways)
ocidDTDNode's setName:"ns_flows"
ocidDTDNode's setStringValue:""
ocidDTD's addChild:ocidDTDNode

set ocidDTDNode to refMe's NSXMLDTDNode's alloc()'s initWithKind:(refMe's NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind) options:(refMe's NSXMLNodeLoadExternalEntitiesAlways)
ocidDTDNode's setName:"ns_extend"
ocidDTDNode's setStringValue:""
ocidDTD's addChild:ocidDTDNode

########### Root element
set ocidRootElement to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"svg"
########### variableSets element
set ocidVariableSets to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"variableSets"
set ocidNameSpaceNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:"" stringValue:"&ns_vars;"
ocidVariableSets's addNamespace:ocidNameSpaceNode
ocidRootElement's addChild:ocidVariableSets

########### variableSet element
set ocidVariableSet to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"variableSet"
set ocidVariableSetNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:"varSetName" stringValue:"データセット名"
ocidVariableSet's addAttribute:ocidVariableSetNode
set ocidVariableSetNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:"locked" stringValue:"none"
ocidVariableSet's addAttribute:ocidVariableSetNode
ocidVariableSets's addChild:ocidVariableSet
########### variables element
set ocidVariables to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"variables"
ocidVariableSet's addChild:ocidVariables
########### variable element
set ocidVariable to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"variable"
set ocidVariableNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:"varName" stringValue:"可変:名前"
ocidVariable's addAttribute:ocidVariableNode
set ocidVariableNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:"trait" stringValue:"textcontent"
ocidVariable's addAttribute:ocidVariableNode
set ocidVariableNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:"category" stringValue:""
ocidVariable's addAttribute:ocidVariableNode
ocidVariables's addChild:ocidVariable

########### sampleDataSets element
set ocidSampleDataSets to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"v:sampleDataSets"
set ocidNameSpaceNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:"" stringValue:""
ocidSampleDataSets's addNamespace:ocidNameSpaceNode
set ocidNameSpaceNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's namespaceWithName:"v" stringValue:""
ocidSampleDataSets's addNamespace:ocidNameSpaceNode
ocidVariableSet's addChild:ocidSampleDataSets

########### sampleDataSet element
set ocidSampleDataSet to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"v:sampleDataSet"
set ocidSampleDataSetNode to refMe's NSXMLNode's attributeWithName:"dataSetName" stringValue:"可変:セット1"
ocidSampleDataSet's addAttribute:ocidSampleDataSetNode
ocidSampleDataSets's addChild:ocidSampleDataSet

########### 可変データセット1
set ocidSampleDataSetItem to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"可変:名前"
ocidSampleDataSet's addChild:ocidSampleDataSetItem

########### 可変データセット1 の項目1
set ocidSampleDataSetItemP to refMe's NSXMLElement's alloc()'s initWithName:"p"
ocidSampleDataSetItem's addChild:ocidSampleDataSetItemP
ocidSampleDataSetItemP's setStringValue:"名前データ"

###NSXMLDocument を生成する
set ocidOutPutXML to refMe's NSXMLDocument's alloc()'s initWithRootElement:ocidRootElement
ocidOutPutXML's setVersion:"1.0"
ocidOutPutXML's setCharacterEncoding:"UTF-8"
ocidOutPutXML's setDTD:ocidDTD

set ocidXMLstrings to ocidOutPutXML's XMLString()
####改行コードをCRLF WINDOWSにする
##set ocidCRLFstrings to ocidXMLstrings's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:"\n" withString:"\r\n"
ocidCRLFstrings's appendString:"\r\n"
(* わざわざ正規表現使わなくても
set ocidCRLFstrings to refMe's NSMutableString's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:0
ocidCRLFstrings's setString:ocidXMLstrings
set ocidRange to ocidXMLstrings's rangeOfString:ocidCRLFstrings
ocidCRLFstrings's replaceOccurrencesOfString:"(>)\n" withString:"$1\r\n" options:(refMe's NSRegularExpressionSearch) range:ocidRange
ocidCRLFstrings's replaceOccurrencesOfString:"(>)$" withString:"$1\r\n" options:(refMe's NSRegularExpressionSearch) range:ocidRange
ocidCRLFstrings's replaceOccurrencesOfString:"\n$" withString:"$1\r\n" options:(refMe's NSRegularExpressionSearch) range:ocidRange
set strSaveFilePath to "~/Desktop/AiVariables.xml" as text
set ocidSaveFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:strSaveFilePath
set ocidSaveFilePath to ocidSaveFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidSaveFilePathURL to refMe's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:ocidSaveFilePath

set ocidCFLFdata to ocidCRLFstrings's dataUsingEncoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
set listResults to ocidCFLFdata's writeToURL:ocidSaveFilePathURL options:(refMe's NSDataWritingAtomic) |error|:(reference)



#!/usr/bin/env osascript



# 配置画像を個別のレイヤーに移動します

#レイヤ名にリンク画像は Link: 

#埋め込み画像は 埋込:を付与してレイヤを作成する+版

# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe


use AppleScript version "2.4"

use framework "Foundation"

use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application

property refNSString : a reference to refMe's NSString

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"


tell the current document


set numLayerNo to (do javascript "app.activeDocument.layers.length;") as text

set numCnt to 0 as number

repeat numLayerNo times


do javascript "app.activeDocument.activeLayer= app.activeDocument.layers[" & numCnt & "];"

do javascript ";"

set numCnt to numCnt + 1 as number

end repeat

end tell

end tell

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"


tell the current document


do javascript "app.activeDocument.selection;"

set numSelectionCnt to (do javascript "app.activeDocument.rasterItems.length;") as text

end tell

end tell

set numCnt to 0 as number

repeat numSelectionCnt times


tell application "Adobe Illustrator"


tell the current document


set strFileNamet to (do javascript "app.activeDocument.rasterItems[" & numCnt & "];") as text

end tell

end tell


set strFileNamet to ("埋込:" & decodeURL(strFileNamet)) as text

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"


tell the current document


do javascript "var objRastFile=app.activeDocument.rasterItems[" & numCnt & "];"

do javascript "var objNewLayer=app.activeDocument.layers.add();"

do javascript "\"" & strFileNamet & "\""


do javascript "objRastFile.move(objNewLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);"

end tell

end tell

set numCnt to numCnt + 1 as number

end repeat

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"


tell the current document


set numSelectionCnt to (do javascript "app.activeDocument.placedItems.length;") as text

end tell

end tell

set numCnt to 0 as number

repeat numSelectionCnt times


tell application "Adobe Illustrator"

tell the current document


set strFileNamet to (do javascript "app.activeDocument.placedItems[" & numCnt & "];") as text

end tell

end tell


set strFileNamet to ("Link:" & decodeURL(strFileNamet)) as text

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"


tell the current document


do javascript "var objPlacedFile=app.activeDocument.placedItems[" & numCnt & "];"

do javascript "var objNewLayer=app.activeDocument.layers.add();"

do javascript "\"" & strFileNamet & "\""


do javascript "objPlacedFile.move(objNewLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);"

end tell

end tell

set numCnt to numCnt + 1 as number

end repeat


on decodeURL(theText)

set ocidStringText to refNSString's stringWithString: theText

set ocidEncodedText to ocidStringText's stringByRemovingPercentEncoding()

set strEncodedText to ocidEncodedText as text

return strEncodedText

end decodeURL




ダウンロード -

#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set activDoc to current document
on error
return "ドキュメントがありません"
error number -128
end try
tell activDoc
set strColorSpace to (color space) as text
set listCropMarks to crop marks as list
set numWidth to width as number
set numHeight to height as number
set numXa to item 1 of listCropMarks as number
set numYa to item 2 of listCropMarks as number
set numXb to item 3 of listCropMarks as number
set numYb to item 4 of listCropMarks as number
###最上部にレイヤ追加(前面= front)
##make layer at front with properties {name:strLayerName}
set strLayerName to ("Background") as text
make layer at end with properties {name:strLayerName}
tell layer strLayerName
set strBkLayerName to ("BasePath")
make layer at end with properties {name:strBkLayerName}
tell layer strBkLayerName
set strBackgroundPathName to ("BackgroundPath")

if strColorSpace is "CMYK" then
## fill color:{class:CMYK color info, cyan:0.0, magenta:0.0, yellow:0.0, black:0.0}, fill overprint:false,
make new path item with properties {closed:true, guides:false, filled:false, stroked:false, clipping:false, evenodd:false, resolution:720.0, entire path:{{class:path point info, anchor:{numXb, numYb}, left direction:{numXb, numYb}, right direction:{numXb, numYb}, point type:corner}, {class:path point info, anchor:{numXa, numYb}, left direction:{numXa, numYb}, right direction:{numXa, numYb}, point type:corner}, {class:path point info, anchor:{numXa, numYa}, left direction:{numXa, numYa}, right direction:{numXa, numYa}, point type:corner}, {class:path point info, anchor:{numXb, numYa}, left direction:{numXb, numYa}, right direction:{numXb, numYa}, point type:corner}}, polarity:positive, URL:"", note:"", locked:false, hidden:false, selected:true, position:{numXa, numYa}, width:numWidth, height:numHeight, geometric bounds:listCropMarks, name:strBackgroundPathName, blend mode:normal, opacity:100.0, isolated:false, knockout:disabled, editable:true, sliced:false, pixel aligned:false, wrapped:false}
### fill color:{class:RGB color info, red:255.0, green:255.0, blue:255.0}, fill overprint:false,
make new path item with properties {closed:true, guides:false, filled:false, stroked:false, clipping:false, evenodd:false, resolution:720.0, entire path:{{class:path point info, anchor:{numXb, numYb}, left direction:{numXb, numYb}, right direction:{numXb, numYb}, point type:corner}, {class:path point info, anchor:{numXa, numYb}, left direction:{numXa, numYb}, right direction:{numXa, numYb}, point type:corner}, {class:path point info, anchor:{numXa, numYa}, left direction:{numXa, numYa}, right direction:{numXa, numYa}, point type:corner}, {class:path point info, anchor:{numXb, numYa}, left direction:{numXb, numYa}, right direction:{numXb, numYa}, point type:corner}}, polarity:positive, URL:"", note:"", locked:false, hidden:false, selected:true, position:{numXa, numYa}, width:numWidth, height:numHeight, geometric bounds:listCropMarks, name:strBackgroundPathName, blend mode:normal, opacity:100.0, isolated:false, knockout:disabled, editable:true, sliced:false, pixel aligned:false, wrapped:false}
end if
set locked to true
end tell
set locked to true
end tell
end tell
end tell



#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set activDoc to current document
set listSelectFrame to {} as list
tell activDoc
set listSelectFrame to every text frame whose selected is true
set numCntEveryFrame to count of listSelectFrame
##set listSelectFrame to every text frame
set numSelectFrameNo to 0
repeat with objSelectFrame in listSelectFrame
set numSelectFrameNo to numSelectFrameNo + 1
set classKind to kind of objSelectFrame
tell objSelectFrame
set strContents to contents as text
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
set listContents to every text item of strContents
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\n"
set strContents to (listContents) as text
tell objSelectFrame
set contents to strContents as text
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
end repeat

end tell
end tell




ダウンロード -

#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
tell the current document
set strColorSpace to color space
end tell
end tell
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
name of every document
file path of every document
set activDoc to current document
tell activDoc
set listLayer to every layer
repeat with objLayer in listLayer
tell objLayer
set numLayerID to index as number
if numLayerID < 10 then
set numLayerID to ("00" & numLayerID) as text
set numLayerID to text -2 through -1 of numLayerID as text
end if
###set name to "Layer" & numLayerID & ""
end tell
end repeat
end tell
tell activDoc
set listEveryPageItem to every page item as list

set numCntEveryPageItem to (count of listEveryPageItem) as number
set numIndex to 0 as number
repeat with objPageItem in listEveryPageItem
set numIndex to numIndex + 1 as number
set objClass to class of objPageItem

if objClass is text frame then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("TextFrame" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is path item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("PathItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is placed item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("PlacedItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is raster item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("RasterItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is plugin item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("PluginItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is mesh item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("MeshItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is compound path item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("CompoundItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is embedded item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("EmbeddedItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is graph item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("GraphItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is grid repeat item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("GridRepeatItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is group item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("GroupItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is legacy text item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("LegacyTextItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is non native item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("NonNativeItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is radial repeat item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("RadialRepeatItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is symbol item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("SymbolItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is symmetry repeat item then
tell objPageItem
##set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("SymmetryRepeatItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell

end if

log listEveryPageItem

end repeat
end tell
end tell





ダウンロード -

#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
tell the current document
set strColorSpace to color space
end tell
end tell
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
name of every document
file path of every document
set activDoc to current document
tell activDoc
set listLayer to every layer
repeat with objLayer in listLayer
tell objLayer
set numLayerID to index as number
if numLayerID < 10 then
set numLayerID to ("00" & numLayerID) as text
set numLayerID to text -2 through -1 of numLayerID as text
end if
###set name to "Layer" & numLayerID & ""
end tell
end repeat
end tell
tell activDoc
set listEveryPageItem to every page item as list
repeat with objPageItem in listEveryPageItem

set objClass to class of objPageItem

if objClass is text frame then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("TextFrame" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is path item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("PathItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is placed item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("PlacedItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is raster item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("RasterItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is plugin item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("PluginItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is mesh item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("MeshItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is compound path item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("CompoundItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is embedded item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("EmbeddedItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is graph item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("GraphItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is grid repeat item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("GridRepeatItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is group item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("GroupItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is legacy text item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("LegacyTextItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is non native item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("NonNativeItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is radial repeat item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("RadialRepeatItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is symbol item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("SymbolItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell
else if objClass is symmetry repeat item then
tell objPageItem
set numIndex to index as number
if numIndex < 10 then
set numIndex to ("00" & numIndex) as text
set numIndex to text -2 through -1 of numIndex as text
end if
set name to ("SymmetryRepeatItem" & numIndex) as text
end tell

end if

log listEveryPageItem

end repeat
end tell
end tell




ダウンロード -

#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set activDoc to current document
set listTextFramePos to {} as list
set listOrgWidth to {} as list
set listOrgFontName to {} as list
set listOrgFontFamilyName to {} as list
set listOrgFontStyleName to {} as list
set listOrgFontSize to {} as list
tell activDoc
set listSelectFrame to every text frame whose selected is true
set numFontNameFrameNo to 1
repeat with objSelectFrame in listSelectFrame
tell item numFontNameFrameNo of listSelectFrame
set objOrgPos to position
copy objOrgPos to the end of listTextFramePos
set numOrgWidth to width
copy numOrgWidth to the end of listOrgWidth
get character 1
set strOrgFontName to name of text font of character 1 as text
copy strOrgFontName to the end of listOrgFontName
set strOrgFontFamilyName to family of text font of character 1 as text
copy strOrgFontFamilyName to the end of listOrgFontFamilyName
set strOrgFontStyleName to style of text font of character 1 as text
copy strOrgFontStyleName to the end of listOrgFontStyleName
set numOrgFontSize to size of character 1 as integer
copy numOrgFontSize to the end of listOrgFontSize
end tell
set numFontNameFrameNo to numFontNameFrameNo + 1
end repeat
set numFontNameFrameNo to 1
repeat with objSelectFrame in listSelectFrame
set objOrgPos to item numFontNameFrameNo of listTextFramePos
set numOrgWidth to item numFontNameFrameNo of listOrgWidth
set strOrgFontName to item numFontNameFrameNo of listOrgFontName
set strOrgFontFamilyName to item numFontNameFrameNo of listOrgFontFamilyName
set strOrgFontStyleName to item numFontNameFrameNo of listOrgFontStyleName
set numOrgFontSize to item numFontNameFrameNo of listOrgFontSize
set numOrgPosX to item 1 of objOrgPos as number
set numOrgPosy to item 2 of objOrgPos as number
set numDistPosX to numOrgPosX as number
set numDistPosy to numOrgPosy + numOrgFontSize as number
set strFontNameFrame to ("FontName" & strOrgFontName & "") as text
##set strIndexFontName to ("" & strOrgFontName & "") as text
set strIndexFontName to ("" & strOrgFontFamilyName & " " & strOrgFontStyleName & "") as text
set objFontName to make new text frame with properties {kind:point text, name:strFontNameFrame, contents:strIndexFontName, position:{numDistPosX, numDistPosy}}
tell objFontName
set numFontNameFontSize to numOrgFontSize / 2 as integer
set numCntChr to count of character
set numCheChrNo to 1
repeat numCntChr times
set size of character numCheChrNo to numFontNameFontSize
set numCheChrNo to numCheChrNo + 1
end repeat
end tell
set numFontNameFrameNo to numFontNameFrameNo + 1
end repeat
end tell
end tell



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