
iCloud driveの書類を開く

AppleScript サンプルコード

【スクリプトエディタで開く】 |

AppleScript サンプルソース(参考)
001#!/usr/bin/env osascript
003# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
007use AppleScript version "2.8"
008use framework "Foundation"
009use framework "AppKit"
010use scripting additions
012property refMe : a reference to current application
015set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
016set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSLibraryDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
017set ocidLibraryDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
018set ocidiCloudDirPathURL to ocidLibraryDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Mobile Documents") isDirectory:(true)
019set aliasiCloudDirPath to (ocidiCloudDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
023set strName to (name of current application) as text
024if strName is "osascript" then
025  tell application "Finder" to activate
027  tell current application to activate
028end if
029set listUTI to {"public.item"}
030set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
031set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
033  ### ファイル選択時
034  set aliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location (aliasiCloudDirPath) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
035on error
036  log "エラーしました"
037  return "エラーしました"
038end try
040set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
041set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
042set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
043set ocidTargetFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)
046set listResponse to ocidTargetFilePathURL's getResourceValue:(reference) forKey:(refMe's NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey) |error| :(reference)
047set boolIsUbiquitou to (item 2 of listResponse)
049if boolIsUbiquitou is true then
050  log "iCloudデータです"
051  ##まずはダウンロードを試みて
052  set listDone to appFileManager's startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL:(ocidTargetFilePathURL) |error| :(reference)
053  if (item 2 of listDone) is true then
054    log "正常処理"
055  else if (item 2 of listDone) ≠ (missing value) then
056    set strErrorNO to (item 2 of listDone)'s code() as text
057    set strErrorMes to (item 2 of listDone)'s localizedDescription() as text
058    refMe's NSLog("■:" & strErrorNO & strErrorMes)
059    return "エラーしました" & strErrorNO & strErrorMes
060  end if
061end if
065set appSharedWorkspace to refMe's NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace()
066set boolDone to appSharedWorkspace's openURL:(ocidTargetFilePathURL)



AppleScript サンプルコード

【スクリプトエディタで開く】 |

AppleScript サンプルソース(参考)
001#!/usr/bin/env osascript
004#  別名でアプリケーション保存でドロップレットになります
005# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
007use AppleScript version "2.6"
008use framework "Foundation"
009use framework "AppKit"
010use scripting additions
012property refMe : a reference to current application
013property listUTI : {"public.item"} as list
017on run
018  #ダイアログ を前面に
019  set strName to (name of current application) as text
020  if strName is "osascript" then
021    tell application "Finder" to activate
022  else
023    tell current application to activate
024  end if
025  #デフォルトパス
026  set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
027  set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
028  set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
029  set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
030  set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
031  set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
032  try
033    #ダイアログ
034    set listChooseAliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with multiple selections allowed without invisibles and showing package contents) as list
035  on error
036    log "エラーしました"
037    return "エラーしました"
038  end try
039  #ファイルリストを次の処理に渡す
040  set boolDone to doPathSender(listChooseAliasFilePath)
041  #戻り値チェック
042  if boolDone is false then
043    display alert "エラーが発生しました" message "エラーが発生しました"
044    return "エラー終了run"
045  else
046    return "処理終了run"
047  end if
048end run
052on open listDropAliasFilePath
053  #########【2−1】UTIチェック
054  #サブルーチンに渡すリスト
055  set listAliasFilePath to {} as list
056  #ドロップされたアイテムの数だけ繰り返す
057  repeat with itemDropAliasFilePath in listDropAliasFilePath
058    #エイリアス
059    set aliasItemFilePath to itemDropAliasFilePath as alias
060    tell application "Finder"
061      #Finder情報を取得して
062      set recordInfoFor to info for aliasItemFilePath
063    end tell
064    #UTIを取得
065    set strItemUIT to (type identifier of recordInfoFor) as text
066    #UTIが対象ファイルならリストに追加
067    repeat with itemUTI in listUTI
068      if strItemUIT is itemUTI then
069        copy aliasItemFilePath to end of listAliasFilePath
070      end if
071    end repeat
072  end repeat
073  #########【2−1】KINDチェック
074  set listSendAliasFilePath to {} as list
075  repeat with itemAliasFilePath in listAliasFilePath
076    #処理する判定
077    set boolChkAliasPath to true as boolean
078    try
079      tell application "Finder"
080        set strKind to (kind of itemDropObject) as text
081      end tell
082      if strKind is "アプリケーション" then
083        log "アプリケーションは処理しない"
084        set boolChkAliasPath to false as boolean
085      else if strKind is "ボリューム" then
086        log "ボリュームは処理しない"
087        set boolChkAliasPath to false as boolean
088      else if strKind is "エイリアス" then
089        log "エイリアスは処理しない"
090        set boolChkAliasPath to false as boolean
091      else if strKind is "フォルダ" then
092        log "フォルダは処理しない"
093        set boolChkAliasPath to false as boolean
094      end if
095    on error
096      log "シンボリックリンク等kindを取得できないファイルは処理しない"
097      set boolChkAliasPath to false as boolean
098    end try
099    if boolChkAliasPath is true then
100      copy itemAliasFilePath to end of listSendAliasFilePath
101    end if
102  end repeat
103  #########【2−3】次工程に渡す
104  set boolDone to doPathSender(listSendAliasFilePath)
105  if boolDone is not true then
106    return false
107  else
108    return "処理終了open"
109  end if
110end open
115to doPathSender(argListAliasFilePath)
116  set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
117  #1回でいい処理はここに記述する
119  ####1ファイルパス毎本処理に渡す
120  repeat with itemAliasFilePath in argListAliasFilePath
121    #本処理に渡す
122    set boolDone to doAction(itemAliasFilePath)
123    #戻り値がエラーだったら?
124    if boolDone is false then
125      tell application "Finder"
126        set strFileName to (name of itemAliasFilePath) as text
127      end tell
128      set strMes to (strFileName & "でエラーになりました") as text
129      display alert "エラーが発生しました" message strMes
130      return strMes
131      #エラーになったところで止める
132    end if
133  end repeat
134  return true
135end doPathSender
139to doAction(argAliasFilePath)
141  set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
142  #ファイルパス
143  set aliasFilePath to argAliasFilePath as alias
144  set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
145  set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
146  set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
147  set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:(false))
148  #拡張子
149  set strExtensionName to ocidFilePathURL's pathExtension() as text
150  #親フォルダ
151  set ocidContainerDirPathURL to ocidFilePathURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent()
152  set ocidDirName to ocidContainerDirPathURL's lastPathComponent()
153  #拡張子抜きの移動先パス
154  set ocidMoveBaseFilePathURL to ocidContainerDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:(ocidDirName) isDirectory:(false)
155  #拡張子付きの移動先パス
156  set ocidMoveFilePathURL to ocidMoveBaseFilePathURL's URLByAppendingPathExtension:(strExtensionName)
157  #同名ファイル回避用の連番
158  set numCntRepeat to 2 as number
159  repeat
160    #移動先パス
161    set ocidMoveFilePath to ocidMoveFilePathURL's |path|()
162    #有無チェック
163    set boolExists to appFileManager's fileExistsAtPath:(ocidMoveFilePath) isDirectory:(false)
164    #すでに同名ファイルがある場合
165    if boolExists = true then
166      ##複数ファイルがある場合の処理はここで工夫する
167      set strSetExtension to (numCntRepeat & "." & strExtensionName) as text
168      set ocidMoveFilePathURL to ocidMoveBaseFilePathURL's URLByAppendingPathExtension:(strSetExtension)
169    else if boolExists = false then
170      ##同名ファイルが無いならファイルを移動する
171      set listDone to (appFileManager's moveItemAtURL:(ocidFilePathURL) toURL:(ocidMoveFilePathURL) |error| :(reference))
172      if (item 1 of listDone) is true then
173        return true
174      else if (item 2 of listDone) ≠ (missing value) then
175        set strErrorNO to (item 2 of listDone)'s code() as text
176        set strErrorMes to (item 2 of listDone)'s localizedDescription() as text
177        refMe's NSLog("■:" & strErrorNO & strErrorMes)
178        log "エラーしました" & strErrorNO & strErrorMes
179        return false
180      end if
181    end if
182    #同名ファイル回避用の連番をカウントアップ
183    set numCntRepeat to numCntRepeat + 1 as number
184  end repeat
187  return true
188end doAction


[contentsOfDirectoryAtURL]コンテンツURLの収集 第一階層のみ

AppleScript サンプルコード

【スクリプトエディタで開く】 |

AppleScript サンプルソース(参考)
001#!/usr/bin/env osascript
007use AppleScript version "2.8"
008use framework "Foundation"
009use framework "AppKit"
010use scripting additions
011property refMe : a reference to current application
015set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
016set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDownloadsDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
017set ocidDownloadsDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
020set ocidOption to (refMe's NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles)
022set ocidKeyArray to refMe's NSMutableArray's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0)
023ocidKeyArray's addObject:(refMe's NSURLPathKey)
024ocidKeyArray's addObject:(refMe's NSURLIsSymbolicLinkKey)
025ocidKeyArray's addObject:(refMe's NSURLIsDirectoryKey)
026ocidKeyArray's addObject:(refMe's NSURLContentTypeKey)
028set listResponse to (appFileManager's contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:(ocidDownloadsDirPathURL) includingPropertiesForKeys:(ocidKeyArray) options:(ocidOption) |error| :(reference))
029if (item 2 of listResponse) = (missing value) then
030  set ocidSubPathURLArray to (item 1 of listResponse)
031else if (item 2 of listResponse) ≠ (missing value) then
032  set strErrorNO to (item 2 of listResponse)'s code() as text
033  set strErrorMes to (item 2 of listResponse)'s localizedDescription() as text
034  refMe's NSLog("■:" & strErrorNO & strErrorMes)
035  return "エラーしました" & strErrorNO & strErrorMes
036end if
038set ocidURLArraySorted to ocidSubPathURLArray's sortedArrayUsingSelector:("absoluteString")
040set numCntArray to ocidURLArraySorted's |count|()
042repeat with itemNo from 0 to (numCntArray - 1) by 1
043  #URL取り出し
044  set ocidItemURL to (ocidURLArraySorted's objectAtIndex:(itemNo))
045  #リソース取り出し
046  set listResponse to (ocidItemURL's getResourceValue:(reference) forKey:(refMe's NSURLContentTypeKey) |error| :(reference))
047  if (item 3 of listResponse) = (missing value) then
048    set ocidUTType to (item 2 of listResponse)
049  else if (item 3 of listResponse) ≠ (missing value) then
050    set strErrorNO to (item 3 of listResponse)'s code() as text
051    set strErrorMes to (item 3 of listResponse)'s localizedDescription() as text
052    refMe's NSLog("■:" & strErrorNO & strErrorMes)
053    return "エラーしました" & strErrorNO & strErrorMes
054  end if
055  #UTI
056  set ocidUTI to ocidUTType's identifier()
057  log ocidItemURL's |path| as text
058  log ocidUTI as text
060end repeat




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application

set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSLibraryDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidLibraryDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set ocidPrefDirPathURL to ocidLibraryDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Containers/com.skitch.skitch/Data/tmp")
##コンテンツ収集 1階層のみ
set ocidOption to (refMe's NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles)
set ocidKeyArray to refMe's NSArray's arrayWithArray:({(refMe's NSURLPathKey), (refMe's NSURLIsDirectoryKey), (refMe's NSURLIsSymbolicLinkKey)})
set listSubPathResult to (appFileManager's contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:(ocidPrefDirPathURL) includingPropertiesForKeys:(ocidKeyArray) options:(ocidOption) |error|:(reference))
set ocidSubPathURLArray to item 1 of listSubPathResult
repeat with itemSubPathURL in ocidSubPathURLArray
  set listDone to (appFileManager's trashItemAtURL:(itemSubPathURL) resultingItemURL:(itemSubPathURL) |error|:(reference))
end repeat


[NSFileManager]ファイルのコピー (Acrobatのスタンプデータのバックアップを作成する)


#!/usr/bin/env osascript
3:差分のみバックアップする 等がありますが
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDocumentDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDocumentDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set ocidMkDirPathURL to ocidDocumentDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Adobe/Acrobat/Stamps/") isDirectory:(true)
set ocidAttrDict to refMe's NSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:0
# 777-->511 755-->493 700-->448 766-->502
ocidAttrDict's setValue:(493) forKey:(refMe's NSFilePosixPermissions)
set listDone to (appFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:(ocidMkDirPathURL) withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(ocidAttrDict) |error|:(reference))
set strDateNo to doGetDateNo({"yyyyMMdd", 1}) as text
set ocidSaveDirPathURL to (ocidMkDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:(strDateNo) isDirectory:(true))
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSLibraryDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidLibraryDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set ocidDcDirPathURL to ocidLibraryDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Adobe/Acrobat/DC/") isDirectory:(true)
set ocidStampDirPathURL to (ocidDcDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Stamps") isDirectory:(true))

set listDone to appFileManager's copyItemAtURL:(ocidStampDirPathURL) toURL:(ocidSaveDirPathURL) |error|:(reference)
### ファイルのコピーに失敗した場合のエラー表示
if (item 1 of listDone) is false then
  set ocidNSErrorData to (item 2 of listDone)
  log "エラーコード:" & ocidNSErrorData's code() as text
  log "エラードメイン:" & ocidNSErrorData's domain() as text
  log "Description:" & ocidNSErrorData's localizedDescription() as text
  log "FailureReason:" & ocidNSErrorData's localizedFailureReason() as text
return "コピーに失敗しました"
end if

set appSharedWorkspace to refMe's NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace()
set boolDone to appSharedWorkspace's selectFile:(ocidSaveDirPathURL's |path|()) inFileViewerRootedAtPath:(ocidMkDirPathURL's |path|())
if boolDone is false then
  set aliasOpenDirPath to (ocidMkDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
  tell application "Finder"
    open folder aliasOpenDirPath
  end tell
return "エラーしました"
end if

# 日付 doGetDateNo(argDateFormat,argCalendarNO)
# argCalendarNO 1 NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian 西暦
# argCalendarNO 2 NSCalendarIdentifierJapanese 和暦
to doGetDateNo({argDateFormat, argCalendarNO})
  set strDateFormat to argDateFormat as text
  set intCalendarNO to argCalendarNO as integer
  set ocidDate to current application's NSDate's |date|()
  set ocidFormatterJP to current application's NSDateFormatter's alloc()'s init()
  ###和暦 西暦 カレンダー分岐
  if intCalendarNO = 1 then
    set ocidCalendarID to (current application's NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)
  else if intCalendarNO = 2 then
    set ocidCalendarID to (current application's NSCalendarIdentifierJapanese)
    set ocidCalendarID to (current application's NSCalendarIdentifierISO8601)
  end if
  set ocidCalendarJP to current application's NSCalendar's alloc()'s initWithCalendarIdentifier:(ocidCalendarID)
  set ocidTimezoneJP to current application's NSTimeZone's alloc()'s initWithName:("Asia/Tokyo")
  set ocidLocaleJP to current application's NSLocale's alloc()'s initWithLocaleIdentifier:("ja_JP_POSIX")
ocidFormatterJP's setTimeZone:(ocidTimezoneJP)
ocidFormatterJP's setLocale:(ocidLocaleJP)
ocidFormatterJP's setCalendar:(ocidCalendarJP)
  # ocidFormatterJP's setDateStyle:(current application's NSDateFormatterNoStyle)
  # ocidFormatterJP's setDateStyle:(current application's NSDateFormatterShortStyle)
  # ocidFormatterJP's setDateStyle:(current application's NSDateFormatterMediumStyle)
  # ocidFormatterJP's setDateStyle:(current application's NSDateFormatterLongStyle)
ocidFormatterJP's setDateStyle:(current application's NSDateFormatterFullStyle)
ocidFormatterJP's setDateFormat:(strDateFormat)
  set ocidDateAndTime to ocidFormatterJP's stringFromDate:(ocidDate)
  set strDateAndTime to ocidDateAndTime as text
return strDateAndTime
end doGetDateNo




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
#       com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe

use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

tell application "Finder"
  set aliasDefaultLocation to (path to desktop folder from user domain) as alias
end tell

set listUTI to {"public.item"}
set aliasFilePath to (choose file with prompt "ファイルを選んでください" default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias

set strFilePath to POSIX path of aliasFilePath
set ocidFilePath to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:strFilePath
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePath's stringByStandardizingPath
set ocidNSUrlPath to refMe's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:ocidFilePath

set ocidFileAttr to appFileManager's attributesOfItemAtPath:ocidFilePath |error|:(missing value)
log (ocidFileAttr's valueForKey:"NSFilePosixPermissions") as integer

set strPemission to doOct2Dem(777)
####パス指定でパーミッション変更 10進数指定
appFileManager's setAttributes:{NSFilePosixPermissions:strPemission} ofItemAtPath:ocidFilePath |error|:(reference)

set ocidFileAttr to appFileManager's attributesOfItemAtPath:ocidFilePath |error|:(missing value)
log (ocidFileAttr's valueForKey:"NSFilePosixPermissions") as integer

#####パーミッション 8進→10進
###主要なモード NSFilePosixPermissions

to doOct2Dem(argOctNo)
  set strOctalText to argOctNo as text
  set num3Line to first item of strOctalText as number
  set num2Line to 2nd item of strOctalText as number
  set num1Line to last item of strOctalText as number
  set numDecimal to (num3Line * 64) + (num2Line * 8) + (num1Line * 1)
  return numDecimal as integer
end doOct2Dem



#!/usr/bin/env osascript






#                       com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe



use AppleScript version "2.8"

use framework "Foundation"

use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application

property refNSString : a reference to refMe's NSString

property refNSURL : a reference to refMe's NSURL

property refNSDate : a reference to refMe's NSDate

property refNSCalendar : a reference to refMe's NSCalendar

property refNSTimeZone : a reference to refMe's NSTimeZone

property refNSDateFormatter : a reference to refMe's NSDateFormatter

set objFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to (objFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))

set aliasDefaultLocation to ocidDesktopDirPathURL as alias

set strDefaultName to doGetDateNo("yyyyMMdd") as text

set strPromptText to "名前を決めてください" as text

set aliasPath to (choose file name default location aliasDefaultLocation default name strDefaultName with prompt strPromptText) as «class furl»


set strFilePathText to POSIX path of aliasPath as text


set ocidFilePath to (refNSString's stringWithString:strFilePathText)


set ocidFilePathString to ocidFilePath's stringByStandardizingPath


set ocidFilePathURL to (refNSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:ocidFilePathString isDirectory:true)



set ocidAttrDict to refMe's NSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:0

set numUID to user ID of (system info) as number


ocidAttrDict's setValue:numUID forKey:(refMe's NSFileOwnerAccountID)


ocidAttrDict's setValue:80 forKey:(refMe's NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID)


(* ゲストのGID








set numPermissionDem to doOct2Dem(777) as integer

log numPermissionDem

ocidAttrDict's setValue:numPermissionDem forKey:(refMe's NSFilePosixPermissions)



###主要なモード NSFilePosixPermissions










ocidAttrDict's setValue:(refMe's NSFileProtectionNone) forKey:(refMe's NSFileProtectionKey)

ocidAttrDict's setValue:0 forKey:(refMe's NSFileAppendOnly)



set listBoolMakeDir to objFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:(ocidFilePathURL) withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(ocidAttrDict) |error|:(reference)













ocidFilePathURL's setResourceValue:7 forKey:(refMe's NSURLLabelNumberKey) |error|:(reference)



tell application "Finder" to set comment of item aliasPath to strDefaultName




to doGetDateNo(strDateFormat)


  set ocidDate to refNSDate's |date|()


  set ocidNSDateFormatter to refNSDateFormatter's alloc()'s init()

  ocidNSDateFormatter's setLocale:(refMe's NSLocale's localeWithLocaleIdentifier:"ja_JP_POSIX")

  ocidNSDateFormatter's setDateFormat:strDateFormat

  set ocidDateAndTime to ocidNSDateFormatter's stringFromDate:ocidDate

  set strDateAndTime to ocidDateAndTime as text

  return strDateAndTime

end doGetDateNo


#####パーミッション 8進→10進


to doOct2Dem(argOctNo)

  set strOctalText to argOctNo as text

  set num3Line to first item of strOctalText as number

  set num2Line to 2nd item of strOctalText as number

  set num1Line to last item of strOctalText as number

  set numDecimal to (num3Line * 64) + (num2Line * 8) + (num1Line * 1)

  return numDecimal

end doOct2Dem



#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
property refNSString : a reference to refMe's NSString
property refNSURL : a reference to refMe's NSURL

set aliasDefaultLocation to (path to desktop folder from user domain) as alias
set strPromptText to "入力フォルダを選んでください"
set listResponse to (choose folder strPromptText with prompt strPromptText default location aliasDefaultLocation without multiple selections allowed, invisibles and showing package contents) as list
on error
log "エラーしました"
end try
set aliasDirPath to (item 1 of listResponse) as alias
set strFilePathText to POSIX path of aliasDirPath as text

###set strFilePathText to "~/Desktop/名称未設定フォルダ"

set ocidFilePath to (refNSString's stringWithString:strFilePathText)
set ocidFilePathString to ocidFilePath's stringByStandardizingPath
set ocidFilePathURL to (refNSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:ocidFilePathString isDirectory:true)


on doGo2TrashDirContentsURL(ocidDirUrl)
set objFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set strClassName to class of ocidDirUrl as text
if strClassName is "text" then
set strDirUrl to ocidDirUrl as text
else if strClassName is "alias" then
set strDirPath to POSIX path of ocidDirUrl as text
end if
set ocidFilePath to (refNSString's stringWithString:strDirPath)
set ocidFilePathString to ocidFilePath's stringByStandardizingPath
set ocidDirPathURL to (refNSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:ocidFilePathString isDirectory:true)
on error
set strClassName to ocidDirUrl's className() as text
if strClassName contains "NSCFString" then
set ocidFilePathString to ocidDirUrl's stringByStandardizingPath
set ocidDirPathURL to (refNSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:ocidFilePathString isDirectory:true)
else if strClassName is "NSURL" then
set ocidDirPathURL to ocidDirUrl
error "NSURLを指定してください" number -9999
end if
end try
set ocidFilePathString to ocidDirPathURL's |path|()
set boolFolderExists to (objFileManager's fileExistsAtPath:ocidFilePathString isDirectory:true)
if boolFolderExists is false then
log "パス先が実在しません"
set ocidAttrDict to refMe's NSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:0
ocidAttrDict's setValue:511 forKey:(refMe's NSFilePosixPermissions)

set listBoolMakeDir to objFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:(ocidDirPathURL) withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(ocidAttrDict) |error|:(reference)
end if
####ディレクトリか?の判断 ファイルならエラーで止める
set ocidResultArray to ocidDirPathURL's getResourceValue:(reference) forKey:(refMe's NSURLIsDirectoryKey) |error|:(reference)
if (item 3 of ocidResultArray) is not (missing value) then
doGetErrorData(item 3 of ocidResultArray)
end if
set ocidResultValue to item 2 of ocidResultArray
set ocidFalse to (refMe's NSNumber's numberWithBool:false)'s boolValue
if ocidResultValue is ocidFalse then
##error "パス先がファイルですディレクトリを指定してください" number -9999
log "パス先がファイルですディレクトリを指定してください"
end if
set listResult to objFileManager's contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:ocidDirPathURL includingPropertiesForKeys:{refMe's NSURLPathKey} options:0 |error|:(reference)
if (item 2 of listResult) is not (missing value) then
doGetErrorData(item 2 of listResult)
end if
set ocidPathArray to item 1 of listResult
repeat with itemPathArray in ocidPathArray
set ocidPathArrayURL to itemPathArray
set listResult to (objFileManager's trashItemAtURL:ocidPathArrayURL resultingItemURL:(missing value) |error|:(reference))
if (item 2 of listResult) is not (missing value) then
doGetErrorData(item 2 of listResult)
end if

end repeat

end doGo2TrashDirContentsURL

to doGetErrorData(ocidNSErrorData)
log "エラーコード:" & ocidNSErrorData's code() as text
log "エラードメイン:" & ocidNSErrorData's domain() as text
log "Description:" & ocidNSErrorData's localizedDescription() as text
log "FailureReason:" & ocidNSErrorData's localizedFailureReason() as text
log ocidNSErrorData's localizedRecoverySuggestion() as text
log ocidNSErrorData's localizedRecoveryOptions() as text
log ocidNSErrorData's recoveryAttempter() as text
log ocidNSErrorData's helpAnchor() as text
set ocidNSErrorUserInfo to ocidNSErrorData's userInfo()
set ocidAllValues to ocidNSErrorUserInfo's allValues() as list
set ocidAllKeys to ocidNSErrorUserInfo's allKeys() as list
repeat with ocidKeys in ocidAllKeys
if (ocidKeys as text) is "NSUnderlyingError" then
log (ocidNSErrorUserInfo's valueForKey:ocidKeys)'s localizedDescription() as text
log (ocidNSErrorUserInfo's valueForKey:ocidKeys)'s localizedFailureReason() as text
log (ocidNSErrorUserInfo's valueForKey:ocidKeys)'s localizedRecoverySuggestion() as text
log (ocidNSErrorUserInfo's valueForKey:ocidKeys)'s localizedRecoveryOptions() as text
log (ocidNSErrorUserInfo's valueForKey:ocidKeys)'s recoveryAttempter() as text
log (ocidNSErrorUserInfo's valueForKey:ocidKeys)'s helpAnchor() as text
log (ocidKeys as text) & ": " & (ocidNSErrorUserInfo's valueForKey:ocidKeys) as text
end if
end repeat

end doGetErrorData




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe

use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application

log refMe's NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles as integer
log refMe's NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsPackageDescendants as integer
log refMe's NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsSubdirectoryDescendants as integer



#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
property refNSArray : a reference to refMe's NSArray
set objFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

set ocidDeskTopDirArray to refMe's NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory, refMe's NSUserDomainMask, true)

log className() of ocidDeskTopDirArray as text

set strUserDesktopPath to (ocidDeskTopDirArray's firstObject()) as text
set strUserDesktopPath to (ocidDeskTopDirArray's objectAtIndex:0) as text




Accessibility Acrobat Acrobat 2020 Acrobat AddOn Acrobat Annotation Acrobat ARMDC Acrobat AV2 Acrobat BookMark Acrobat Classic Acrobat DC Acrobat Dialog Acrobat Distiller Acrobat Form Acrobat JS Acrobat Manifest Acrobat Menu Acrobat Open Acrobat Plugin Acrobat Preferences Acrobat Preflight Acrobat python Acrobat Reader Acrobat SCA Acrobat SCA Updater Acrobat Sequ Acrobat Sign Acrobat Stamps Acrobat Watermark Acrobat Windows Acrobat Windows Reader Admin Admin Account Admin Apachectl Admin configCode Admin Device Management Admin LaunchServices Admin Locationd Admin loginitem Admin Maintenance Admin Mobileconfig Admin Permission Admin Pkg Admin Power Management Admin Printer Admin SetUp Admin SMB Admin Support Admin System Information Admin Tools Admin Users Admin Volumes Adobe Adobe FDKO Adobe RemoteUpdateManager AppKit Apple AppleScript AppleScript do shell script AppleScript List AppleScript ObjC AppleScript Osax AppleScript PDF AppleScript Pictures AppleScript record AppleScript Script Editor AppleScript Script Menu AppleScript Shortcuts AppleScript Shortcuts Events AppleScript System Events AppleScript System Events Plist AppleScript Video Applications AppStore Archive Attributes Automator BackUp Barcode Barcode QR Barcode QR Decode Bash Basic Basic Path Bluetooth BOX Browser Calendar CD/DVD Choose Chrome CIImage CityCode CloudStorage Color com.apple.LaunchServices.OpenWith Console Contacts CotEditor CURL current application Date&Time delimiters Desktop Device Diff Disk Dock DropBox Droplet eMail Encode % Encode Decode Encode UTF8 Error EXIFData ffmpeg File Finder Firefox Folder FolderAction Fonts GIF github Guide HTML HTML Entity Icon Illustrator Image Events Image2PDF ImageOptim iPhone iWork Javascript Jedit Json Label Leading Zero List locationd LRC lsappinfo LSSharedFileList m3u8 Mail MakePDF Map Math Media Media AVAsset Media AVconvert Media AVFoundation Media AVURLAsset Media Movie Media Music Memo Messages Microsoft Microsoft Edge Microsoft Excel Mouse Music NetWork Notes NSArray NSArray Sort NSBezierPath NSBitmapImageRep NSBundle NSCFBoolean NSCharacterSet NSColor NSColorList NSData NSDecimalNumber NSDictionary NSError NSEvent NSFileAttributes NSFileManager NSFileManager enumeratorAtURL NSFont NSFontManager NSGraphicsContext NSImage NSIndex NSKeyedArchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver NSLocale NSMutableArray NSMutableDictionary NSMutableString NSNotFound NSNumber NSOpenPanel NSPasteboard NSpoint NSPredicate NSPrintOperation NSRange NSRect NSRegularExpression NSRunningApplication NSScreen NSSize NSString NSString stringByApplyingTransform NSStringCompareOptions NSTask NSTimeZone NSURL NSURL File NSURLBookmark NSURLComponents NSURLResourceKey NSURLSession NSUserDefaults NSUUID NSView NSWorkspace Numbers OAuth OneDrive PDF PDFAnnotation PDFAnnotationWidget PDFContext PDFDisplayBox PDFDocumentPermissions PDFImageRep PDFKit PDFnUP PDFOutline perl Photoshop PlistBuddy pluginkit postalcode PostScript prefPane Preview Python QuickLook QuickTime ReadMe Regular Expression Reminders ReName Repeat RTF Safari SaveFile ScreenCapture ScreenSaver SF Symbols character id SF Symbols Entity sips Skype Slack Sound Spotlight sqlite SRT StandardAdditions Swift System Settings TCC TemporaryItems Terminal Text Text CSV Text MD Text TSV TextEdit Tools Translate Trash Twitter Typography UI Unit Conversion UTType valueForKeyPath Video VisionKit Visual Studio Code VMware Fusion Wacom webarchive webp Wifi Windows XML XML EPUB XML OPML XML Plist XML RSS XML savedSearch XML SVG XML TTML XML webloc XML XMP YouTube zoom