AppleScript Wifi

[SPAirPortDataType]システム情報 DBの内容をダイアログ表示して取得


#!/usr/bin/env osascript
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKIt"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

set ocidUserLibraryPathArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDocumentDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidFilePathURL to ocidUserLibraryPathArray's objectAtIndex:0
set ocidSaveDirPathURL to ocidFilePathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:"Apple/system_profiler"
set ocidAttrDict to refMe's NSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:0
ocidAttrDict's setValue:511 forKey:(refMe's NSFilePosixPermissions)
set listBoolMakeDir to appFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:(ocidSaveDirPathURL) withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(ocidAttrDict) |error|:(reference)
set ocidFilePathURL to ocidSaveDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:"SPAirPortDataType.json"
set strFilePath to (ocidFilePathURL's |path|()) as text
set boolResults to (appFileManager's trashItemAtURL:ocidFilePathURL resultingItemURL:(missing value) |error|:(reference))
set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPAirPortDataType -json"
set strReadString to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
set ocidReadString to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strReadString)
set ocidReadData to ocidReadString's dataUsingEncoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
ocidReadData's writeToURL:(ocidFilePathURL) atomically:true
######JOSN をDictで処理
set listJSONSerialization to (refMe's NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:(ocidReadData) options:0 |error|:(reference))
set ocidJsonData to item 1 of listJSONSerialization
set ocidJsonRootDict to (refMe's NSDictionary's alloc()'s initWithDictionary:(ocidJsonData))
set ocidDataTypeArray to (ocidJsonRootDict's valueForKeyPath:("SPAirPortDataType.spairport_airport_interfaces"))
set ocidJsonDict to (ocidDataTypeArray's firstObject())'s firstObject()
set ocidAllKeys to ocidJsonDict's allKeys()
set strOutPutText to ("") as text
repeat with itemAllKeys in ocidAllKeys
  set strAllKey to itemAllKeys as text
  set ocidValue to (ocidJsonDict's valueForKey:(itemAllKeys))
  if (className() of ocidValue as text) contains "NSDictionary" then
    log "Dictは処理しない"
  else if (className() of ocidValue as text) contains "NSArray" then
    log "Arrayは処理しない"
    set strValue to ocidValue as text
    set strOutPutText to (strOutPutText & strAllKey & ": " & strValue & "\n") as text
  end if
end repeat

tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
set strIconPath to "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/FinderIcon.icns" as text
set aliasIconPath to POSIX file strIconPath as alias
set recordResult to (display dialog " 戻り値です\rコピーしてメールかメッセージを送ってください" with title "SPHardwareDataType" default answer strOutPutText buttons {"クリップボードにコピー", "キャンセル", "OK"} default button "OK" giving up after 30 with icon aliasIconPath without hidden answer)
if button returned of recordResult is "クリップボードにコピー" then
  set strText to text returned of recordResult as text
  set appPasteboard to refMe's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
  set ocidText to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strOutPutText))
appPasteboard's clearContents()
appPasteboard's setString:(ocidText) forType:(refMe's NSPasteboardTypeString)
end if





#!/usr/bin/env osascript
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application

set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallnetworkservices"
set strResults to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
set listServiceName to {} as list
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\r"
set listResults to every text item of strResults
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
repeat with numCnt from 2 to (count of listResults)
  set itemServiceName to item numCnt of listResults
  copy itemServiceName to end of listServiceName
end repeat

set strWiFiID to "" as text
repeat with strServiceName in listServiceName
  set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/networksetup -getinfo \"" & strServiceName & "\"" as text
  set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
  if strResponse contains "Wi-Fi" then
    set listServiceInfo to {} as list
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\r"
    set listResponse to every text item of strResponse
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    repeat with itemResponse in listResponse
      if itemResponse contains "Wi-Fi ID" then
set ocidOrgStrings to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(itemResponse))
set ocidNSStringTransform to (refMe's NSStringTransformFullwidthToHalfwidth)
set ocidUppercase to ocidOrgStrings's uppercaseString()
set strUppercase to ocidUppercase as text
set strWiFiID to ("" & itemResponse & "\n" & strUppercase & "") as text
      end if
    end repeat
  end if
end repeat
set ocidStrArray to ocidUppercase's componentsSeparatedByString:" "
set ocidUppercaseId to ocidStrArray's lastObject()
set strText to ocidUppercaseId as text

tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder"
  end tell
  tell current application
  end tell
end if
set aliasIconPath to POSIX file "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/BookmarkIcon.icns" as alias
set recordResult to (display dialog strWiFiID with title "IPアドレス" default answer strWiFiID buttons {"クリップボードにコピー", "OK", "キャンセル"} default button "OK" cancel button "キャンセル" with icon aliasIconPath giving up after 20 without hidden answer)

if "クリップボードにコピー" is (button returned of recordResult) then
  set ocidText to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strText))
  set appPasteboard to refMe's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
appPasteboard's clearContents()
appPasteboard's setString:(ocidText) forType:(refMe's NSPasteboardTypeString)
end if





#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidUserDocumentPathArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDocumentDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidUserDocumentPathURL to ocidUserDocumentPathArray's firstObject()
set ocidSaveDirPathURL to ocidUserDocumentPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Wifi/情報") isDirectory:true
set listDone to appFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:(ocidSaveDirPathURL) withIntermediateDirectories:(true) attributes:(missing value) |error|:(reference)

set ocidSaveFilePathURL to ocidSaveDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("route.rtf") isDirectory:true
set strSaveFilePath to ocidSaveFilePathURL's |path| as text
set aliasSaveFilePath to (ocidSaveFilePathURL's absoluteURL()) as «class furl»
set strCommandText to "/sbin/route -n get default" as text
set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
tell application "TextEdit"
  set objNewDoc to (make new document with properties {name:"route", text:strResponse, path:strSaveFilePath})
  tell objNewDoc
    tell its text
      set its font to "Osaka-mono"
      set its size to 14
    end tell
  end tell
  save objNewDoc in aliasSaveFilePath
end tell

set ocidSaveFilePathURL to ocidSaveDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("ndp.rtf") isDirectory:true
set strSaveFilePath to ocidSaveFilePathURL's |path| as text
set aliasSaveFilePath to (ocidSaveFilePathURL's absoluteURL()) as «class furl»
set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/ndp -a" as text
set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
tell application "TextEdit"
  set objNewDoc to (make new document with properties {name:"ndp", text:strResponse, path:strSaveFilePath})
  tell objNewDoc
    tell its text
      set its font to "Osaka-mono"
      set its size to 14
    end tell
  end tell
  save objNewDoc in aliasSaveFilePath
end tell

set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallnetworkservices"
set strResults to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
set listServiceName to {} as list
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\r"
set listResults to every text item of strResults
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
repeat with numCnt from 2 to (count of listResults)
  set itemServiceName to item numCnt of listResults
  copy itemServiceName to end of listServiceName
end repeat
log itemServiceName

repeat with strServiceName in listServiceName
  set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/networksetup -getinfo \"" & strServiceName & "\"" as text
  set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
  if strResponse contains "Wi-Fi" then
    set ocidSaveFilePathURL to (ocidSaveDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("networksetup.rtf") isDirectory:true)
    set strSaveFilePath to ocidSaveFilePathURL's |path| as text
    set aliasSaveFilePath to (ocidSaveFilePathURL's absoluteURL()) as «class furl»
    tell application "TextEdit"
      set objNewDoc to (make new document with properties {name:"networksetup", text:strResponse, path:strSaveFilePath})
      tell objNewDoc
tell its text
set its font to "Osaka-mono"
set its size to 14
end tell
      end tell
      save objNewDoc in aliasSaveFilePath
    end tell
  end if
end repeat

set ocidSaveFilePathURL to ocidSaveDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("airport.rtf") isDirectory:true
set strSaveFilePath to ocidSaveFilePathURL's |path| as text
set aliasSaveFilePath to (ocidSaveFilePathURL's absoluteURL()) as «class furl»
set strCommandText to "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I" as text
set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
tell application "TextEdit"
  set objNewDoc to (make new document with properties {name:"airport", text:strResponse, path:strSaveFilePath})
  tell objNewDoc
    tell its text
      set its font to "Osaka-mono"
      set its size to 14
    end tell
  end tell
  save objNewDoc in aliasSaveFilePath
end tell





#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/networksetup  -listallnetworkservices"
set strResults to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
set listServiceName to {} as list
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\r"
set listResults to every text item of strResults
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
repeat with numCnt from 2 to (count of listResults)
  set itemServiceName to item numCnt of listResults
  copy itemServiceName to end of listServiceName
end repeat
log itemServiceName

set strWiFiID to "" as text
repeat with strServiceName in listServiceName
  set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/networksetup  -getinfo \"" & strServiceName & "\"" as text
  set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
  if strResponse contains "Wi-Fi" then
    set listServiceInfo to {} as list
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\r"
    set listResponse to every text item of strResponse
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    repeat with itemResponse in listResponse
      if itemResponse contains "Wi-Fi ID" then
        set strWiFiID to (strWiFiID & itemResponse & "\n") as text
      end if
    end repeat
  end if
end repeat

tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder"
  end tell
  tell current application
  end tell
end if
set aliasIconPath to POSIX file "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/BookmarkIcon.icns" as alias
(display dialog strWiFiID with title "IPアドレス" default answer strWiFiID buttons {"OK", "キャンセル"} default button "OK" cancel button "キャンセル" with icon aliasIconPath giving up after 20 without hidden answer)




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/networksetup  -listallnetworkservices"
set strResults to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
set listServiceName to {} as list
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\r"
set listResults to every text item of strResults
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
repeat with numCnt from 2 to (count of listResults)
  set itemServiceName to item numCnt of listResults
  copy itemServiceName to end of listServiceName
end repeat
log itemServiceName

repeat with strServiceName in listServiceName
  set strCommandText to "/usr/sbin/networksetup  -getinfo \"" & strServiceName & "\"" as text
  set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
  if strResponse contains "Wi-Fi" then
    tell application "TextEdit"
      make new document with properties {name:strServiceName, text:strResponse}
    end tell
    tell application "TextEdit"
      tell front document
        tell its text
          set its font to "Osaka-mono"
          set its size to 14
        end tell
      end tell
    end tell
  end if
end repeat

set strCommandText to "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I" as text
set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
tell application "TextEdit"
  make new document with properties {name:"airport", text:strResponse}
end tell

tell application "TextEdit"
  tell front document
    tell its text
      set its font to "Osaka-mono"
      set its size to 14
    end tell
  end tell
end tell



Wifi便利キット v1

ダウンロード -




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
#  com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application id ""
end tell
tell application id ""
  ###起動確認 最大10秒
  repeat 10 times
    set boolFrontMost to frontmost as boolean
    if boolFrontMost is true then
      exit repeat
      delay 1
    end if
  end repeat
end tell

set strPaneId to "" as text
set strAnchorName to "Advanced" as text

tell application id ""
  reveal anchor strAnchorName of pane id strPaneId
end tell




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
#  com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application id ""
end tell
tell application id ""
  ###起動確認 最大10秒
  repeat 10 times
    set boolFrontMost to frontmost as boolean
    if boolFrontMost is true then
      exit repeat
      delay 1
    end if
  end repeat
end tell

set strPaneId to "" as text
set strAnchorName to "General_Details" as text

tell application id ""
  reveal anchor strAnchorName of pane id strPaneId
end tell




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

##### airport -s
set strCommandText to "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -s"
tell application "Terminal"
  set objTabWindows to do script "\n\n"
  tell objTabWindows
  end tell
  tell front window
    set numWidowID to id as integer
  end tell
  tell window id numWidowID
    set size to {980, 320}
    set position to {0, 25}
    set origin to {360, 515}
    set frame to {0, 560, 980, 875}
    set bounds to {0, 25, 980, 320}
  end tell
  tell objTabWindows
    do script strCommandText in objTabWindows
  end tell
end tell
##### airport -I
set strCommandText to "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I"
tell application "Terminal"
  set objTabWindows to do script "\n\n"
  tell objTabWindows
  end tell
  tell front window
    set numWidowID to id as integer
  end tell
  tell window id numWidowID
    set size to {697, 305}
    set position to {0, 321}
    set origin to {0, 80}
    set frame to {0, 80, 580, 580}
    set bounds to {0, 321, 580, 820}
  end tell
  tell objTabWindows
    do script strCommandText in objTabWindows
  end tell
end tell

log ">>>>>>>>>>>>処理終了<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
return ">>>>>>>>>>>>処理終了<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
#                       com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

set strFilePath to "/tmp/wifi.plist" as text

set theCommandText to "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -s -x > \"" & strFilePath & "\"" as text
do shell script theCommandText

tell application "Xcode"
  open strFilePath
end tell



Acrobat Acrobat 2020 Acrobat AddOn Acrobat Annotation Acrobat AV2 Acrobat BookMark Acrobat Classic Acrobat DC Acrobat Dialog Acrobat Distiller Acrobat Form Acrobat JS Acrobat Manifest Acrobat Menu Acrobat Open Acrobat Plugin Acrobat Preferences Acrobat Preflight Acrobat python Acrobat Reader Acrobat SCA Acrobat SCA Updater Acrobat Sequ Acrobat Sign Acrobat Stamps Acrobat Watermark Acrobat Windows Admin Admin Account Admin Apachectl Admin configCode Admin Device Management Admin LaunchServices Admin Locationd Admin loginitem Admin Maintenance Admin Mobileconfig Admin Permission Admin Pkg Admin Power Management Admin Printer Admin SetUp Admin SMB Admin Support Admin System Information Admin Tools Admin Users Admin Volumes Adobe Adobe FDKO Adobe RemoteUpdateManager Apple AppleScript AppleScript Accessibility AppleScript AppKit AppleScript Applications AppleScript AppStore AppleScript Archive AppleScript Attributes AppleScript Audio AppleScript Automator AppleScript AVAsset AppleScript AVconvert AppleScript AVFoundation AppleScript AVURLAsset AppleScript BackUp AppleScript Barcode AppleScript Bash AppleScript Basic AppleScript Basic Path AppleScript Bluetooth AppleScript BOX AppleScript Browser AppleScript Calendar AppleScript CD/DVD AppleScript Choose AppleScript Chrome AppleScript CIImage AppleScript CloudStorage AppleScript Color AppleScript AppleScript Console AppleScript Contacts AppleScript CotEditor AppleScript CURL AppleScript current application AppleScript Date&Time AppleScript delimiters AppleScript Desktop AppleScript Device AppleScript Diff AppleScript Disk AppleScript do shell script AppleScript Dock AppleScript DropBox AppleScript Droplet AppleScript eMail AppleScript Encode % AppleScript Encode Decode AppleScript Encode UTF8 AppleScript Error AppleScript EXIFData AppleScript ffmpeg AppleScript File AppleScript Finder AppleScript Firefox AppleScript Folder AppleScript Fonts AppleScript GIF AppleScript Guide AppleScript HTML AppleScript HTML Entity AppleScript Icon AppleScript Illustrator AppleScript Image Events AppleScript Image2PDF AppleScript ImageOptim AppleScript iWork AppleScript Javascript AppleScript Jedit AppleScript Json AppleScript Label AppleScript Leading Zero AppleScript List AppleScript locationd AppleScript LRC AppleScript LSSharedFileList AppleScript m3u8 AppleScript Mail AppleScript MakePDF AppleScript Map AppleScript Math AppleScript Messages AppleScript Microsoft AppleScript Microsoft Edge AppleScript Microsoft Excel AppleScript Mouse AppleScript Movie AppleScript Music AppleScript NetWork AppleScript Notes AppleScript NSArray AppleScript NSArray Sort AppleScript NSBitmapImageRep AppleScript NSBundle AppleScript NSCFBoolean AppleScript NSCharacterSet AppleScript NSColor AppleScript NSColorList AppleScript NSData AppleScript NSDictionary AppleScript NSError AppleScript NSEvent AppleScript NSFileAttributes AppleScript NSFileManager AppleScript NSFileManager enumeratorAtURL AppleScript NSFont AppleScript NSFontManager AppleScript NSGraphicsContext AppleScript NSImage AppleScript NSIndex AppleScript NSKeyedArchiver AppleScript NSKeyedUnarchiver AppleScript NSLocale AppleScript NSMutableArray AppleScript NSMutableDictionary AppleScript NSMutableString AppleScript NSNotFound AppleScript NSNumber AppleScript NSOpenPanel AppleScript NSPasteboard AppleScript NSpoint AppleScript NSPredicate AppleScript NSPrintOperation AppleScript NSRange AppleScript NSRect AppleScript NSRegularExpression AppleScript NSRunningApplication AppleScript NSScreen AppleScript NSSize AppleScript NSString AppleScript NSStringCompareOptions AppleScript NSTask AppleScript NSTimeZone AppleScript NSURL AppleScript NSURL File AppleScript NSURLBookmark AppleScript NSURLComponents AppleScript NSURLResourceKey AppleScript NSURLSession AppleScript NSUserDefaults AppleScript NSUUID AppleScript NSView AppleScript NSWorkspace AppleScript Numbers AppleScript OAuth AppleScript ObjC AppleScript OneDrive AppleScript Osax AppleScript PDF AppleScript PDFAnnotation AppleScript PDFAnnotationWidget AppleScript PDFContext AppleScript PDFDisplayBox AppleScript PDFDocumentPermissions AppleScript PDFImageRep AppleScript PDFKit AppleScript PDFnUP AppleScript PDFOutline AppleScript Photoshop AppleScript Pictures AppleScript PostScript AppleScript prefPane AppleScript Preview AppleScript Python AppleScript QR AppleScript QR Decode AppleScript QuickLook AppleScript QuickTime AppleScript record AppleScript Regular Expression AppleScript Reminders AppleScript ReName AppleScript Repeat AppleScript RTF AppleScript Safari AppleScript SaveFile AppleScript ScreenCapture AppleScript ScreenSaver AppleScript Script Editor AppleScript Script Menu AppleScript Shortcuts AppleScript Shortcuts Events AppleScript Sound AppleScript Spotlight AppleScript SRT AppleScript StandardAdditions AppleScript stringByApplyingTransform AppleScript Swift AppleScript System Events AppleScript System Events Plist AppleScript System Settings AppleScript TemporaryItems AppleScript Terminal AppleScript Text AppleScript Text CSV AppleScript Text MD AppleScript Text TSV AppleScript TextEdit AppleScript Translate AppleScript Trash AppleScript Twitter AppleScript UI AppleScript Unit Conversion AppleScript UTType AppleScript valueForKeyPath AppleScript Video AppleScript VisionKit AppleScript Visual Studio Code AppleScript webarchive AppleScript webp AppleScript Wifi AppleScript XML AppleScript XML EPUB AppleScript XML OPML AppleScript XML Plist AppleScript XML RSS AppleScript XML savedSearch AppleScript XML SVG AppleScript XML TTML AppleScript XML webloc AppleScript XMP AppleScript YouTube Applications CityCode github iPhone List lsappinfo Memo Music perl PlistBuddy pluginkit postalcode ReadMe SF Symbols character id SF Symbols Entity sips Skype Slack sqlite TCC Tools Typography Video Wacom Windows zoom