001 | #!/usr/bin/env osascript |
002 | ----+----1----+----2----+-----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7 |
003 | # |
004 | # |
005 | # |
006 | # |
007 | # com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe |
008 | ----+----1----+----2----+-----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7 |
009 | ##自分環境がos12なので2.8にしているだけです |
010 | use AppleScript version "2.8" |
011 | use framework "Foundation" |
012 | use framework "CoreImage" |
013 | use scripting additions |
014 | |
015 | property objMe : a reference to current application |
016 | property objNSString : a reference to objMe's NSString |
017 | property objNSURL : a reference to objMe's NSURL |
018 | ## |
019 | property objNSDictionary : a reference to objMe's NSDictionary |
020 | property objNSMutableDictionary : a reference to objMe's NSMutableDictionary |
021 | property objNSArray : a reference to objMe's NSArray |
022 | property objNSMutableArray : a reference to objMe's NSMutableArray |
023 | |
024 | set objFileManager to objMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager() |
025 | |
026 | ###リセット |
027 | set theURL to "" as text |
028 | set ocidNSInlineData to "" as text |
029 | set ocidNSBitmapImagePadRep to "" as text |
030 | |
031 | tell application "Finder" |
032 | set the clipboard to the theURL as string |
033 | end tell |
034 | |
035 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript:Start Script Geo2Qr4Map") |
036 | |
037 | ###コピーのサブへ |
038 | doCopyMap() |
039 | |
040 | log "theURL:" & theURL |
041 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript:コピー OK" & theURL & "") |
042 | ###クリップボードからURLを取得する |
043 | tell application "Finder" |
044 | set theURL to (the clipboard) as text |
045 | end tell |
046 | delay 0.5 |
047 | |
048 | ################################################## |
049 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript: theURL" & theURL & "") |
050 | set strURL to theURL as text |
051 | |
052 | ################################################## |
053 | if strURL is "" then |
054 | ###URLの取得に失敗しているパターン |
055 | set aliasIconPath to POSIX file "/System/Applications/Maps.app/Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns" as alias |
056 | set strDefaultAnswer to "https://maps.apple.com/?ll=35.658558,139.745504" as text |
057 | try |
058 | set objResponse to (display dialog "URLの取得に失敗しました" with title "QRテキスト" default answer strDefaultAnswer buttons {"OK", "キャンセル"} default button "OK" cancel button "キャンセル" with icon aliasIconPath giving up after 20 without hidden answer) |
059 | on error |
060 | log "エラーしました" |
061 | return |
062 | end try |
063 | if true is equal to (gave up of objResponse) then |
064 | return "時間切れですやりなおしてください" |
065 | end if |
066 | if "OK" is equal to (button returned of objResponse) then |
067 | set strURL to (text returned of objResponse) as text |
068 | else |
069 | return "キャンセル" |
070 | end if |
071 | end if |
072 | |
073 | ############################ |
074 | ##値がコピー出来なかったときエラーになるので |
075 | ##ここはトライ |
076 | try |
077 | #################################### |
078 | ###URLをNSURLに格納 |
079 | set ocidURL to objNSURL's alloc's initWithString:strURL |
080 | log className() of ocidURL as text |
081 | --> NSURL |
082 | #################################### |
083 | ###クエリー部を取り出し |
084 | set ocidQueryUrl to ocidURL's query |
085 | log className() of ocidQueryUrl as text |
086 | --> __NSCFString |
087 | log ocidQueryUrl as text |
088 | on error |
089 | ###エラーしたらコピー取り直し |
090 | doCopyMap() |
091 | tell application "Finder" |
092 | set theURL to (the clipboard) as text |
093 | end tell |
094 | #################################### |
095 | ###URLをNSURLに格納 |
096 | set ocidURL to objNSURL's alloc's initWithString:strURL |
097 | log className() of ocidURL as text |
098 | --> NSURL |
099 | #################################### |
100 | ###クエリー部を取り出し |
101 | set ocidQueryUrl to ocidURL's query |
102 | log className() of ocidQueryUrl as text |
103 | --> __NSCFString |
104 | log ocidQueryUrl as text |
105 | end try |
106 | |
107 | #################################### |
108 | ###取り出したクエリを&を区切り文字でリストに |
109 | set ocidArrayComponent to (ocidQueryUrl's componentsSeparatedByString:"&") |
110 | log className() of ocidArrayComponent as text |
111 | --> __NSArrayM |
112 | log ocidArrayComponent as list |
113 | |
114 | #################################### |
115 | ####可変レコードを作成 |
116 | set ocidRecordQuery to objNSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s init() |
117 | ####値が空のレコードを定義 |
118 | set recordQuery to {t:"", q:"", address:"", near:"", ll:"", z:"18", spn:"", saddr:"", daddr:"", dirflg:"", sll:"", sspn:"", ug:""} as record |
119 | ####↑の定義で値が空の可変レコードを作成 |
120 | set ocidRecordQuery to objNSMutableDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:recordQuery |
121 | #################################### |
122 | ###ここからクエリー分繰り返し |
123 | repeat with objArrayComponent in ocidArrayComponent |
124 | #####渡されたクエリーを=を境に分割してArray=リストにする |
125 | set ocidArrayFirstObject to (objArrayComponent's componentsSeparatedByString:"=") |
126 | |
127 | ####まずは順番に キー と 値 で格納 |
128 | set ocidKey to item 1 of ocidArrayFirstObject |
129 | log ocidKey as text |
130 | |
131 | set ocidValue to item 2 of ocidArrayFirstObject |
132 | log ocidValue as text |
133 | |
134 | #########位置情報 緯度 経度 |
135 | if (ocidKey as text) = "ll" then |
136 | set ll of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
137 | ####カンマでわけて緯度 経度に |
138 | set ocidArrayLL to (ocidValue's componentsSeparatedByString:",") |
139 | log ocidArrayLL as list |
140 | ###最初の項目 |
141 | set ocidLatitude to item 1 of ocidArrayLL |
142 | log "Latitude:" & ocidLatitude as text |
143 | ###あとの項目 |
144 | set ocidLongitude to item 2 of ocidArrayLL |
145 | log "Longitude:" & ocidLongitude as text |
146 | |
147 | #########Address String 住所 |
148 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "address" then |
149 | set address of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
150 | set ocidAddEnc to ocidValue's stringByRemovingPercentEncoding |
151 | log "AddressString:" & ocidAddEnc as text |
152 | |
153 | #########The zoom level. 高さ方向 |
154 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "z" then |
155 | set z of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
156 | set ocidZoomValue to ocidValue |
157 | log "ZoomValue:" & ocidZoomValue |
158 | |
159 | #########マップビュー |
160 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "t" then |
161 | set t of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
162 | set ocidMapType to ocidValue |
163 | log "MapType:" & ocidMapType |
164 | (* |
165 | m (standard view) |
166 | k (satellite view) |
167 | h (hybrid view) |
168 | r (transit view) |
169 | goole |
170 | map_action=pano |
171 | map_action=map |
172 | basemap=satellite |
173 | terrain |
174 | roadmap |
175 | *) |
176 | #################################### |
177 | #########dirflg 移動方法 |
178 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "dirflg" then |
179 | set dirflg of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
180 | set ocidDirflgType to ocidValue |
181 | log "DirflgType:" & ocidDirflgType |
182 | (* |
183 | d (by car) |
184 | w (by foot) |
185 | r (by public transit) |
186 | |
187 | goole |
188 | travelmode=driving |
189 | walking |
190 | transit |
191 | *) |
192 | |
193 | #########Dirflg Parameters 出発点 |
194 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "saddr" then |
195 | set saddr of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
196 | set strSaddrEnc to ocidValue as text |
197 | set ocidSaddrEnc to ocidValue's stringByRemovingPercentEncoding |
198 | log "StartingPoint:" & ocidSaddrEnc as text |
199 | |
200 | #########Destination 到着店 |
201 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "daddr" then |
202 | set daddr of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
203 | set strDaddrEnc to ocidValue as text |
204 | set ocidDaddrEnc to ocidValue's stringByRemovingPercentEncoding |
205 | log "DestinationPoint:" & ocidDaddrEnc as text |
206 | |
207 | #########Search Query 検索語句 |
208 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "q" then |
209 | set q of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
210 | set strRecordQuery to ocidValue as text |
211 | set ocidSearchQueryEnc to ocidValue's stringByRemovingPercentEncoding |
212 | log "SearchQuery" & ocidSearchQueryEnc as text |
213 | |
214 | #################################### |
215 | #########語句検索時の周辺情報の有無による分岐 |
216 | |
217 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "sll" then |
218 | set sll of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
219 | ####カンマでわけて緯度 経度に |
220 | set ocidSearchArrayLL to (ocidValue's componentsSeparatedByString:",") |
221 | log ocidSearchArrayLL as list |
222 | ####最初の項目 |
223 | set ocidNearLatitude to item 1 of ocidSearchArrayLL |
224 | log "NearLatitude:" & ocidNearLatitude as text |
225 | ####あとの項目 |
226 | set ocidNearLongitude to item 2 of ocidSearchArrayLL |
227 | log "NearNearLongitude:" & ocidNearLongitude as text |
228 | |
229 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "spn" then |
230 | ####周囲情報の範囲 |
231 | set spn of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
232 | |
233 | |
234 | #################################### |
235 | #########during search周辺 位置情報 緯度 経度 |
236 | |
237 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "near" then |
238 | set near of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
239 | ####カンマでわけて緯度 経度に |
240 | set ocidNearArrayLL to (ocidValue's componentsSeparatedByString:",") |
241 | log ocidNearArrayLL as list |
242 | ###最初の項目 |
243 | set ocidNearLatitude to item 1 of ocidNearArrayLL |
244 | log "NearLatitude:" & ocidNearLatitude as text |
245 | ###あとの項目 |
246 | set ocidNearLongitude to item 2 of ocidNearArrayLL |
247 | log "NearNearLongitude:" & ocidNearLongitude as text |
248 | |
249 | #################################### |
250 | #########ガイド時のug |
251 | else if (ocidKey as text) = "ug" then |
252 | set ug of ocidRecordQuery to ocidValue |
253 | |
254 | end if |
255 | |
256 | end repeat |
257 | |
258 | log ocidRecordQuery as record |
259 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript: RecordQuery Done") |
260 | ##################################################### |
261 | #####QRコード保存要ファイル名 |
262 | if (q of ocidRecordQuery as text) is not "" then |
263 | ###検索語句あり |
264 | if (count of (ocidSearchQueryEnc as text)) < 8 then |
265 | set strQueryEnc to (ocidSearchQueryEnc as text) as text |
266 | else |
267 | set strQueryEnc to characters 1 thru 8 of (ocidSearchQueryEnc as text) as text |
268 | end if |
269 | set strFileName to ("" & strQueryEnc & ".png") |
270 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript: ocidSearchQueryEnc " & (ocidSearchQueryEnc as text) & "") |
271 | |
272 | else if (daddr of ocidRecordQuery as text) is not "" then |
273 | ###行き先語句あり |
274 | set strDaddrEnc to characters 1 thru 8 of (ocidDaddrEnc as text) as text |
275 | set strFileName to ("" & strDaddrEnc & ".png") |
276 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript: ocidDaddrEnc " & (ocidDaddrEnc as text) & "") |
277 | else |
278 | ###語句の無い場合は日付をファイル名にする |
279 | set strDateFormat to "yyyy年MMMMdd日hh時mm分" as text |
280 | set ocidForMatter to objMe's NSDateFormatter's alloc()'s init() |
281 | ocidForMatter's setLocale:(objMe's NSLocale's localeWithLocaleIdentifier:"ja_JP_POSIX") |
282 | ocidForMatter's setDateFormat:(strDateFormat) |
283 | set objDate to (current date) |
284 | set strDateTime to (ocidForMatter's stringFromDate:(objDate)) as text |
285 | set strFileName to ("" & strDateTime & ".png") |
286 | end if |
287 | |
288 | #################################################### |
289 | #########対応アプリの分岐 |
290 | ###ホスト名を取り出し |
291 | set ocidHostUrl to ocidURL's |host| |
292 | log className() of ocidHostUrl as text |
293 | --> __NSCFString |
294 | log ocidHostUrl as text |
295 | #################################### |
296 | ###ホストによる分岐 |
297 | if (ocidHostUrl as text) is "guides.apple.com" then |
298 | -->このままの値でバーコードを作成する |
299 | set listButtonAset to {"AppleMapガイド用"} as list |
300 | set strAlertMes to "ガイドリンクはAppleMap専用です" |
301 | |
302 | else if (ocidHostUrl as text) is "collections.apple.com" then |
303 | -->コレクションは現在は『ガイド』になった? |
304 | set listButtonAset to {"AppleMapガイド用"} as list |
305 | set strAlertMes to "ガイドリンクはAppleMap専用です" |
306 | |
307 | else if (ocidHostUrl as text) is "maps.apple.com" then |
308 | -->ガイド以外 |
309 | -->処理する |
310 | #################################### |
311 | ###内容によっての分岐 |
312 | if (ll of ocidRecordQuery as text) is not "" then |
313 | ######緯度経度がある場合 |
314 | set listButtonAset to {"AppleMap用", "GoogleMap用", "GeoQR"} as list |
315 | set strAlertMes to "GeoQRは対応していない機種やアプリがあります" |
316 | |
317 | else if (q of ocidRecordQuery as text) is not "" then |
318 | ######検索語句がある場合 |
319 | set listButtonAset to {"AppleMap用", "GoogleMap用", "汎用"} as list |
320 | set strAlertMes to "iOS用AppleMapのQRコードを作成する OR 一般的なQRコードを作成する" |
321 | |
322 | else if (daddr of ocidRecordQuery as text) is not "" then |
323 | set listButtonAset to {"AppleMap経路", "GoogleMap経路"} as list |
324 | set strAlertMes to "経路情報用のMapになります" |
325 | |
326 | else |
327 | ######緯度経度無し検索語句無しだとAppleMapのみ |
328 | set listButtonAset to {"AppleMap用のみ"} as list |
329 | set strAlertMes to "ガイドリンクはAppleMap専用です" |
330 | |
331 | end if |
332 | end if |
333 | ############################################## |
334 | log listButtonAset |
335 | try |
336 | set objAns to (display alert "どちら用のQRコードを作成しますか?" message strAlertMes default button 1 buttons listButtonAset) |
337 | on error |
338 | log "エラーしました" |
339 | return |
340 | end try |
341 | |
342 | set objResponse to (button returned of objAns) as text |
343 | ############################################## |
344 | |
345 | if objResponse is "GeoQR" then |
346 | ### 緯度経度でGEOバーコード 対応機種に制限がある場合あり |
347 | set theChl to ("GEO:" & (ocidLatitude as text) & "," & (ocidLongitude as text) & "," & (z of ocidRecordQuery as text) & "") as text |
348 | ###経路情報 Map |
349 | else if objResponse is "AppleMap経路" then |
350 | set theChl to ("http://maps.apple.com/?daddr=" & (ocidDaddrEnc as text) & "&saddr=" & (ocidSaddrEnc as text) & "") as text |
351 | ###経路情報 Google |
352 | else if objResponse is "GoogleMap経路" then |
353 | set theChl to ("https://www.google.com/maps/?daddr=" & (ocidDaddrEnc as text) & "&saddr=" & (ocidSaddrEnc as text) & "") as text |
354 | ####AppleMapのガイドリンク |
355 | else if objResponse is "AppleMapガイド用" then |
356 | set theChl to ("" & strURL & "") as text |
357 | |
358 | else if objResponse is "GoogleMap用" then |
359 | ############################################## |
360 | ###GoogleMap用の小数点以下の桁揃え |
361 | set theLatitude to (ocidLatitude as text) |
362 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "." |
363 | set listLatitude to every text item of theLatitude as list |
364 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" |
365 | set strLatitudeInt to text item 1 of listLatitude as text |
366 | set strLatitudeDecimal to text item 2 of listLatitude as text |
367 | set strLatitudeDecimal to (text 1 through 7 of (strLatitudeDecimal & "000000000")) as text |
368 | set theLatitude to ("" & strLatitudeInt & "." & strLatitudeDecimal & "") |
369 | |
370 | set theLongitude to (ocidLongitude as text) |
371 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "." |
372 | set listLongitude to every text item of theLongitude as list |
373 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" |
374 | set strLongitudeInt to text item 1 of listLongitude as text |
375 | set strLongitudeDecimal to text item 2 of listLongitude as text |
376 | set strLongitudeDecimal to (text 1 through 7 of (strLongitudeDecimal & "000000000")) as text |
377 | set theLongitude to ("" & strLongitudeInt & "." & strLongitudeDecimal & "") |
378 | |
379 | set theGooglemapParts to ("@" & theLatitude & "," & theLongitude & "," & (z of ocidRecordQuery as text) & "z") |
380 | |
381 | set theChl to ("https://www.google.com/maps/" & theGooglemapParts & "") as text |
382 | else |
383 | set theChl to ("http://maps.apple.com/?q=" & (ocidLatitude as text) & "," & (ocidLongitude as text) & "," & (z of ocidRecordQuery as text) & "z") as text |
384 | end if |
385 | |
386 | |
387 | ############################################## |
388 | log theChl |
389 | |
390 | ###フォルダのパス |
391 | ###ピクチャーフォルダのパス |
392 | tell application "Finder" |
393 | set aliasDirPath to (path to pictures folder from user domain) as alias |
394 | set strDirPath to POSIX path of aliasDirPath as text |
395 | end tell |
396 | ####フォルダ名 |
397 | set strFolderName to "QRcode" as text |
398 | set strDirPath to ("" & strDirPath & strFolderName & "") as text |
399 | ###NSStringテキスト |
400 | set ocidDirPath to objNSString's stringWithString:strDirPath |
401 | ###フォルダを作る |
402 | ###途中のフォルダも作る-->true |
403 | set boolMakeNewFolder to (objFileManager's createDirectoryAtPath:ocidDirPath withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(missing value) |error| :(missing value)) |
404 | |
405 | ####ファイルパス |
406 | set strSaveFilePath to ("" & strDirPath & "/" & strFileName & "") as text |
407 | |
408 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript: strSaveFilePath" & strSaveFilePath & "") |
409 | |
410 | ############################################## |
411 | set strInputText to theChl as text |
412 | ####テキストをNSStringに |
413 | set ocidInputString to objNSString's stringWithString:strInputText |
414 | ####テキストをUTF8に |
415 | set ocidUtf8InputString to ocidInputString's dataUsingEncoding:(objMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |
416 | ####CIQRCodeGenerator初期化 |
417 | set ocidQRcodeImage to objMe's CIFilter's filterWithName:"CIQRCodeGenerator" |
418 | ocidQRcodeImage's setDefaults() |
419 | ###テキスト設定 |
420 | ocidQRcodeImage's setValue:ocidUtf8InputString forKey:"inputMessage" |
421 | ###読み取り誤差値設定L, M, Q, H |
422 | ocidQRcodeImage's setValue:"Q" forKey:"inputCorrectionLevel" |
423 | ###QRコード本体のイメージ |
424 | set ocidCIImage to ocidQRcodeImage's outputImage() |
425 | -->ここで生成されるのはQRのセルが1x1pxの最小サイズ |
426 | ###QRコードの縦横取得 |
427 | set ocidCIImageDimension to ocidCIImage's extent() |
428 | set ocidCIImageWidth to (item 1 of item 2 of ocidCIImageDimension) as integer |
429 | set ocidCIImageHight to (item 2 of item 2 of ocidCIImageDimension) as integer |
430 | ###最終的に出力したいpxサイズ |
431 | set numScaleMax to 720 |
432 | ###整数で拡大しないとアレなので↑の値のニアなサイズになります |
433 | set numWidth to ((numScaleMax / ocidCIImageWidth) div 1) as integer |
434 | set numHight to ((numScaleMax / ocidCIImageHight) div 1) as integer |
435 | ###↑サイズの拡大縮小する場合はここで値を調整すれば良い |
436 | ####変換スケール作成-->拡大 |
437 | set recordScalse to objMe's CGAffineTransform's CGAffineTransformMakeScale(numWidth, numHight) |
438 | ##変換スケールを適応(元のサイズに元のサイズのスケール適応しても意味ないけど |
439 | set ocidCIImageScaled to ocidCIImage's imageByApplyingTransform:recordScalse |
440 | #######元のセルが1x1pxの最小サイズで出したいときはここで処理 |
441 | ##set ocidCIImageScaled to ocidCIImage |
442 | ###イメージデータを展開 |
443 | set ocidNSCIImageRep to objMe's NSCIImageRep's imageRepWithCIImage:ocidCIImageScaled |
444 | ###出力用のイメージの初期化 |
445 | set ocidNSImageScaled to objMe's NSImage's alloc()'s initWithSize:(ocidNSCIImageRep's |size|()) |
446 | ###イメージデータを合成 |
447 | ocidNSImageScaled's addRepresentation:ocidNSCIImageRep |
448 | ###出来上がったデータはOS_dispatch_data |
449 | set ocidOsDispatchData to ocidNSImageScaled's TIFFRepresentation() |
450 | ####NSBitmapImageRepに |
451 | set ocidNSBitmapImageRep to objMe's NSBitmapImageRep's imageRepWithData:ocidOsDispatchData |
452 | ################################################################# |
453 | ###quiet zone用に画像をパディングする |
454 | set numPadWidth to ((ocidCIImageWidth * numWidth) + (numWidth * 6)) as integer |
455 | set numPadHight to ((ocidCIImageHight * numHight) + (numHight * 6)) as integer |
456 | ###左右に3セル分づつ余白 quiet zoneを足す |
457 | ####まずは元のQRコードのサイズに6セルサイズ分足したサイズの画像を作って |
458 | set ocidNSBitmapImagePadRep to (objMe's NSBitmapImageRep's alloc()'s initWithBitmapDataPlanes:(missing value) pixelsWide:numPadWidth pixelsHigh:numPadHight bitsPerSample:8 samplesPerPixel:4 hasAlpha:true isPlanar:false colorSpaceName:(objMe's NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace) bitmapFormat:(objMe's NSAlphaFirstBitmapFormat) bytesPerRow:0 bitsPerPixel:32) |
459 | ###初期化 |
460 | objMe's NSGraphicsContext's saveGraphicsState() |
461 | ###ビットマップイメージ |
462 | (objMe's NSGraphicsContext's setCurrentContext:(objMe's NSGraphicsContext's graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:ocidNSBitmapImagePadRep)) |
463 | ###塗り色を『白』に指定して |
464 | objMe's NSColor's whiteColor()'s |set|() |
465 | ##画像にする |
466 | objMe's NSRectFill({origin:{x:0, y:0}, |size|:{width:numPadWidth, height:numPadHight}}) |
467 | ###出来上がった画像にQRバーコードを左右3セル分ずらした位置にCompositeSourceOverする |
468 | ocidNSBitmapImageRep's drawInRect:{origin:{x:(numWidth * 3), y:(numHight * 3)}, |size|:{width:numPadWidth, Hight:numPadHight}} fromRect:{origin:{x:0, y:0}, |size|:{width:numPadWidth, height:numPadHight}} operation:(objMe's NSCompositeSourceOver) fraction:1.0 respectFlipped:true hints:(missing value) |
469 | ####画像作成終了 |
470 | objMe's NSGraphicsContext's restoreGraphicsState() |
471 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript: restoreGraphicsState") |
472 | ################################################################# |
473 | |
474 | ####JPEG用の圧縮プロパティ |
475 | ##set ocidNSSingleEntryDictionary to objMe's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObject:1 forKey:(objMe's NSImageCompressionFactor) |
476 | ####PNG用の圧縮プロパティ |
477 | set ocidNSSingleEntryDictionary to objMe's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObject:true forKey:(objMe's NSImageInterlaced) |
478 | |
479 | #####出力イメージへ変換 |
480 | set ocidNSInlineData to (ocidNSBitmapImagePadRep's representationUsingType:(objMe's NSBitmapImageFileTypePNG) |properties|:ocidNSSingleEntryDictionary) |
481 | |
482 | ######インラインデータをファイルに書き出し |
483 | set boolMakeQrCode to (ocidNSInlineData's writeToFile:strSaveFilePath atomically:true) |
484 | |
485 | set aliasDirPath to POSIX file strDirPath as alias |
486 | ###保存場所を開いて |
487 | tell application "Finder" |
488 | select aliasDirPath |
489 | end tell |
490 | ####プレビューに表示 |
491 | tell application "Preview" |
492 | launch |
493 | activate |
494 | open aliasDirPath |
495 | end tell |
496 | |
497 | objMe's NSLog("■:osascript: Done") |
498 | set theURL to "" |
499 | set the clipboard to theURL |
500 | set ocidNSInlineData to "" |
501 | set ocidNSBitmapImagePadRep to "" |
502 | |
503 | |
504 | return true |
505 | |
506 | |
507 | to doCopyMap() |
508 | tell application "System Events" |
509 | launch |
510 | end tell |
511 | tell application "Maps" |
512 | activate |
513 | end tell |
514 | try |
515 | tell application "System Events" |
516 | tell process "Maps" |
517 | ## get every menu bar |
518 | tell menu bar 1 |
519 | ## get every menu bar item |
520 | tell menu bar item "編集" |
521 | ## get every menu bar item |
522 | tell menu "編集" |
523 | ## get every menu item |
524 | tell menu item "リンクをコピー" |
525 | click |
526 | end tell |
527 | end tell |
528 | end tell |
529 | end tell |
530 | end tell |
531 | end tell |
532 | on error |
533 | tell application "System Events" |
534 | tell process "Maps" |
535 | get every menu bar |
536 | tell menu bar 1 |
537 | get every menu bar item |
538 | tell menu bar item "編集" |
539 | get every menu bar item |
540 | tell menu "編集" |
541 | get every menu item |
542 | tell menu item "コピー" |
543 | click |
544 | end tell |
545 | end tell |
546 | end tell |
547 | end tell |
548 | end tell |
549 | end tell |
550 | end try |
551 | end doCopyMap |