use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
property refNSString : a reference to refMe's NSString
property refNSURL : a reference to refMe's NSURL
property refNSArray : a reference to refMe's NSArray
property refNSDate : a reference to refMe's NSDate
property refNSCalendar : a reference to refMe's NSCalendar
property refNSTimeZone : a reference to refMe's NSTimeZone
property refNSDateFormatter : a reference to refMe's NSDateFormatter
property refNSMutableDictionary : a reference to refMe's NSMutableDictionary
property refAVAsset : a reference to refMe's AVAsset
property refAVAssetExportSession : a reference to refMe's AVAssetExportSession
set objFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
tell application "Finder"
set aliasDefaultLocation to (path to desktop folder from user domain) as alias
end tell
set listUTI to {""}
set listFilePath to (choose file with prompt "ムービーファイルを選んでください" default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles, showing package contents and multiple selections allowed) as list
set listChooseType to {"LowQuality", "MediumQuality", "HighestQuality", "HEVCHighestQuality", "HEVCHighestQualityWithAlpha", "640x480", "960x540", "1280x720", "1920x1080", "3840x2160", "HEVC1920x1080", "HEVC3840x2160", "HEVC1920x1080WithAlpha", "HEVC3840x2160WithAlpha", "HEVC7680x4320", "AppleM4V480pSD", "AppleM4V720pHD", "AppleM4V1080pHD", "AppleM4ViPod", "AppleM4VAppleTV", "AppleM4VCellular", "AppleM4VWiFi", "AppleProRes422LPCM", "AppleProRes4444LPCM", "Passthrough", "AppleM4A"} as list
set objResponse to (choose from list listChooseType with title "出力形式" with prompt "フォーマットを選んでください" default items (item 3 of listChooseType) OK button name "OK" cancel button name "キャンセル" with multiple selections allowed without empty selection allowed)
on error
log "エラーしました"
end try
if objResponse is false then
log "キャンセルしました"
end if
set objResponse to objResponse as text
set strPresetName to ("AVAssetExportPreset" & objResponse) as text
set ocidPresetArray to (refNSArray's arrayWithArray:listChooseType)
set numChooseListNo to (ocidPresetArray's indexOfObject:(objResponse as text)) as integer
set numChooseListNo to numChooseListNo + 1 as integer
set strTmpPath to ("/private/tmp/AVAssetExportSession") as text
set ocidTmpPath to (refNSString's stringWithString:strTmpPath)
set ocidFullTmpPath to ocidTmpPath's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidFullTmpPathURL to (refNSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:ocidFullTmpPath isDirectory:true)
(objFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:ocidFullTmpPathURL withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(missing value) |error|:(missing value))
repeat with objFilePath in listFilePath
set aliasFilePath to objFilePath as alias
set strFilePath to POSIX path of aliasFilePath as text
set ocidFilePath to (refNSString's stringWithString:strFilePath)
set ocidContainerPath to ocidFilePath's stringByDeletingLastPathComponent()
set ocidFileName to ocidFilePath's lastPathComponent()
set ocidBaseFileName to ocidFileName's stringByDeletingPathExtension()
set ocidFileExetension to ocidFileName's pathExtension()
set ocidFullPathURL to (refNSURL's fileURLWithPath:ocidFilePath)
set ocidContainerDirPathURL to ocidFullPathURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent()
set aliasContainerDirPath to ocidContainerDirPathURL as alias
set strDateNO to doGetDateNo("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss") as text
if (objResponse as text) is "AppleM4A" then
set strExportFileName to ("" & ocidBaseFileName & "_" & strDateNO & ".m4a") as text
set strExportFileName to ("" & ocidBaseFileName & "_" & strDateNO & ".mov") as text
end if
set strContainerDirPath to (POSIX path of aliasContainerDirPath) as text
set strDistFilePath to (strContainerDirPath & strExportFileName) as text
set ocidDistFilePath to (refNSString's stringWithString:strDistFilePath)
set ocidFullDistPathURL to (refNSURL's fileURLWithPath:ocidDistFilePath)
log "######AVAsset"
set ocidReadAsset to (refAVAsset's assetWithURL:ocidFullPathURL)
log className() of ocidReadAsset as text
set ocidReadAssetDuration to ocidReadAsset's duration()
log ocidReadAssetDuration
log "######AVAssetTrack"
set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's tracks()
set numCntTrackNo to (count of ocidReadAssetTrackArray) as integer
log "トラック数は: " & numCntTrackNo
set numCntTrak to numCntTrackNo - 1
repeat numCntTrackNo times
log "--------"
set ocidTrack to (ocidReadAssetTrackArray's objectAtIndex:numCntTrak)
log className() of ocidTrack as text
set strTrackID to ocidTrack's trackID() as text
set strMediaType to ocidTrack's mediaType() as text
if strMediaType is "vide" then
log "MediaType: vide ビデオトラック:トラックIDは" & strTrackID
else if strMediaType is "soun" then
log "MediaType: soun サウンドトラック:トラックIDは" & strTrackID
log "MediaType: " & strMediaType
log "TrackID: " & strTrackID
end if
log (ocidTrack's formatDescriptions()'s objectAtIndex:0)
log ocidTrack's isPlayable()
log ocidTrack's isDecodable()
log ocidTrack's isEnabled()
log ocidTrack's isSelfContained()
log ocidTrack's totalSampleDataLength()
log "->"
set ocidAssetTrackTimeRange to ocidTrack's timeRange()
log ocidAssetTrackTimeRange
set ocidAssetTrackTimeScale to ocidTrack's naturalTimeScale()
log ocidAssetTrackTimeScale
set ocidAssetTrackNaturalSize to ocidTrack's naturalSize()
log ocidAssetTrackNaturalSize
set ocidCMTimeFrameDura to ocidTrack's minFrameDuration()
log ocidCMTimeFrameDura as record
log "-->"
log ocidTrack's nominalFrameRate() as number
log ocidTrack's requiresFrameReordering() as boolean
log ocidTrack's metadata() as list
log ocidTrack's commonMetadata() as list
log ocidTrack's availableMetadataFormats() as list
log ocidTrack's segments() as list
log ocidTrack's availableTrackAssociationTypes() as list
log "--->"
log ocidTrack's preferredTransform()
log ocidTrack's preferredVolume()
log ocidTrack's estimatedDataRate()
log ocidTrack's languageCode() as text
log ocidTrack's extendedLanguageTag()
log ocidTrack's hasAudioSampleDependencies()
set numCntTrak to numCntTrak - 1
end repeat
log strPresetName as text
set ocidExSession to (refAVAssetExportSession's alloc()'s initWithAsset:ocidReadAsset presetName:strPresetName)
if (objResponse as text) is "AppleM4A" then
(ocidExSession's setOutputFileType:(refMe's AVFileTypeAppleM4A))
(ocidExSession's setOutputFileType:(refMe's AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie))
end if
(ocidExSession's setTimeRange:ocidAssetTrackTimeRange)
(ocidExSession's setShouldOptimizeForNetworkUse:false)
(ocidExSession's setCanPerformMultiplePassesOverSourceMediaData:true)
(ocidExSession's setDirectoryForTemporaryFiles:ocidFullTmpPathURL)
(ocidExSession's setOutputURL:ocidFullDistPathURL)
(ocidExSession's exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:(missing value))
log "########################################"
set numStatusNo to ocidExSession's status()
log "status:\t" & numStatusNo
set progress total steps to 1
set progress completed steps to 0
set progress description to "書出"
set numProgress to ocidExSession's progress()
set numProgressPer to numProgress * 100 as integer
set progress additional description to "状況:" & numProgressPer & "%"
set progress completed steps to numProgress
set numStatusNo to ocidExSession's status()
if numStatusNo > 2 then
exit repeat
end if
delay 1
end repeat
log "status:\t" & numStatusNo
set ocidReadAsset to ""
set objFileManager to ""
set ocidExSession to ""
set ocidReadAsset to ""
set objFileManager to ""
set ocidExSession to ""
end repeat
to doGetDateNo(strDateFormat)
set ocidDate to refNSDate's |date|()
set ocidNSDateFormatter to refNSDateFormatter's alloc()'s init()
ocidNSDateFormatter's setLocale:(refMe's NSLocale's localeWithLocaleIdentifier:"ja_JP_POSIX")
ocidNSDateFormatter's setDateFormat:strDateFormat
set ocidDateAndTime to ocidNSDateFormatter's stringFromDate:ocidDate
set strDateAndTime to ocidDateAndTime as text
return strDateAndTime
end doGetDateNo