Media AVAsset



ダウンロード -

AppleScript サンプルコード

【スクリプトエディタで開く】 |

AppleScript サンプルソース(参考)
001#!/usr/bin/env osascript
005# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
007use AppleScript version "2.8"
008use framework "Foundation"
009use framework "AVFoundation"
010use framework "AppKit"
011use framework "UniformTypeIdentifiers"
012use scripting additions
014property refMe : a reference to current application
015set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
019set strName to (name of current application) as text
020if strName is "osascript" then
021  tell application "Finder" to activate
023  tell current application to activate
024end if
025set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
026set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
027set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
028set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
029set listUTI to {""} as list
030set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
031set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
033  set aliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
034on error
035  log "エラーしました"
036  return "エラーしました"
037end try
039set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
040set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
041set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
042set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)
043set strFilePath to ocidFilePathURL's |path|() as text
046### swiftパス
048set aliasPathToMe to (path to me) as alias
049set strPathToMe to (POSIX path of aliasPathToMe) as text
050set ocidPathToMeStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strPathToMe)
051set ocidPathToMe to ocidPathToMeStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
052set ocidPathToMeURL to refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidPathToMe) isDirectory:(false)
053set ocidContainerDirPathURL to ocidPathToMeURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent()
054set ocidBinDirPathURL to ocidContainerDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("bin") isDirectory:(true)
056set ocidOption to (refMe's NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles)
058set ocidKeyArray to refMe's NSMutableArray's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0)
059ocidKeyArray's addObject:(refMe's NSURLPathKey)
060ocidKeyArray's addObject:(refMe's NSURLIsSymbolicLinkKey)
061ocidKeyArray's addObject:(refMe's NSURLIsDirectoryKey)
062ocidKeyArray's addObject:(refMe's NSURLContentTypeKey)
064set listResponse to (appFileManager's contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:(ocidBinDirPathURL) includingPropertiesForKeys:(ocidKeyArray) options:(ocidOption) |error| :(reference))
065set ocidSubPathURLArray to (item 1 of listResponse)
066set listFileName to {} as list
067repeat with itemURL in ocidSubPathURLArray
068  #ファイル名を
069  set strItemFileName to itemURL's lastPathComponent() as text
070  copy strItemFileName to beginning of listFileName
071end repeat
073### ダイアログ
075set strName to (name of current application) as text
076if strName is "osascript" then
077  tell application "Finder" to activate
079  tell current application to activate
080end if
082set strTitle to ("ムービーファイルを選んでください") as text
083set strPrompt to ("ムービーファイルを選んでください") as text
085  set objResponse to (choose from list listFileName with title strTitle with prompt strPrompt default items (item 1 of listFileName) OK button name "OK" cancel button name "キャンセル" with empty selection allowed without multiple selections allowed)
086on error
087  log "エラーしました"
088  return "エラーしました"
089end try
090# log class of objResponse
091if (class of objResponse) is boolean then
092  return "キャンセルしましたA"
093else if (class of objResponse) is list then
094  if objResponse is {} then
095    return "キャンセルしましたB"
096  else
097    set strResponse to (item 1 of objResponse) as text
098  end if
099end if
103### SWIFTファイルの情報取得
105set ocidSwiftFilePathURL to ocidBinDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:(strResponse) isDirectory:(false)
106set strSwiftFilePath to ocidSwiftFilePathURL's |path| as text
111log "開始:" & doGetDateNo("yyyyMMdd hhmmss")
113set ocidStartTime to refMe's NSDate's |date|()
117set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
118set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSLibraryDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
119set ocidLibraryDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
120set ocidLogDirPathURL to ocidLibraryDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Logs") isDirectory:(true)
121set ocidLogSaveDirPathURL to ocidLogDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("AppleScript") isDirectory:(true)
123set ocidAttrDict to refMe's NSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:0
124ocidAttrDict's setValue:(511) forKey:(refMe's NSFilePosixPermissions)
125set listBoolMakeDir to appFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:(ocidLogSaveDirPathURL) withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(ocidAttrDict) |error| :(reference)
129set ocidCurrentDate to refMe's NSDate's |date|()
130set appFormatter to refMe's NSDateFormatter's alloc()'s init()
131appFormatter's setDateFormat:("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
132set ocidNowDate to appFormatter's stringFromDate:(ocidCurrentDate)
133set strNowDate to ocidNowDate as text
134set strLogFileName to ("scriptlog." & strNowDate & ".log") as text
135set ocidLogFilePathURL to ocidLogSaveDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:(strLogFileName) isDirectory:(false)
136set ocidLogFilePath to ocidLogFilePathURL's |path|
137set strLogFilePath to ocidLogFilePath as text
141set ocidNulString to refMe's NSString's alloc()'s init()
142set listDone to ocidNulString's writeToURL:(ocidLogFilePathURL) atomically:(true) encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error| :(reference)
146#ログファイルのアクセス権 644
147ocidAttrDict's setValue:(420) forKey:(refMe's NSFilePosixPermissions)
148set listDone to appFileManager's setAttributes:(ocidAttrDict) ofItemAtPath:(ocidLogFilePath) |error| :(reference)
152set ocidCurrentDirPathURL to ocidLibraryDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Containers/com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer/Data/tmp/TemporaryItems") isDirectory:(true)
153set listBoolMakeDir to appFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:(ocidCurrentDirPathURL) withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(ocidAttrDict) |error| :(reference)
157set ocidTermTask to refMe's NSTask's alloc()'s init()
158ocidTermTask's setLaunchPath:("/usr/bin/swift")
159set ocidArgumentsArray to refMe's NSMutableArray's alloc()'s initWithCapacity:(0)
160ocidArgumentsArray's addObject:(strSwiftFilePath)
161ocidArgumentsArray's addObject:(strFilePath)
162ocidTermTask's setArguments:(ocidArgumentsArray)
163set ocidOutPut to refMe's NSPipe's pipe()
164set ocidError to refMe's NSPipe's pipe()
165ocidTermTask's setStandardOutput:(ocidOutPut)
166ocidTermTask's setStandardError:(ocidError)
167ocidTermTask's setCurrentDirectoryURL:(ocidCurrentDirPathURL)
168set listDoneReturn to ocidTermTask's launchAndReturnError:(reference)
169if (item 1 of listDoneReturn) is (false) then
170  log "エラーコード:" & (item 2 of listDoneReturn)'s code() as text
171  log "エラードメイン:" & (item 2 of listDoneReturn)'s domain() as text
172  log "Description:" & (item 2 of listDoneReturn)'s localizedDescription() as text
173  log "FailureReason:" & (item 2 of listDoneReturn)'s localizedFailureReason() as text
174end if
177ocidTermTask's waitUntilExit()
179log "終了:" & doGetDateNo("yyyyMMdd hhmmss")
180log "経過時間: " & doGetTimeInderval(ocidStartTime)
184set ocidOutPutData to ocidOutPut's fileHandleForReading()
185set listResponse to ocidOutPutData's readDataToEndOfFileAndReturnError:(reference)
186set ocidStdOut to (item 1 of listResponse)
187set ocidStdOut to refMe's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:(ocidStdOut) encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
188set listDone to ocidStdOut's writeToURL:(ocidLogFilePathURL) atomically:(true) encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error| :(reference)
189set ocidStdOut to (ocidStdOut's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:("\n") withString:(""))
193set numReturnNo to ocidTermTask's terminationStatus() as integer
194if numReturnNo = 0 then
195  log ocidStdOut as text
196  return ocidStdOut as text
198  ##################
199  #エラーをログに
200  set ocidErrorData to ocidError's fileHandleForReading()
201  set listResponse to ocidErrorData's readDataToEndOfFileAndReturnError:(reference)
202  set ocidErrorOutData to (item 1 of listResponse)
203  set ocidErrorOutString to refMe's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:(ocidErrorOutData) encoding:(refMe's NSUTF8StringEncoding)
204  set listResponse to refMe's NSFileHandle's fileHandleForWritingToURL:(ocidLogFilePathURL) |error| :(reference)
205  set ocidReadHandle to (item 1 of listResponse)
206  set listDone to ocidReadHandle's seekToEndReturningOffset:(0) |error| :(reference)
207  log (item 1 of listDone) as boolean
208  set listDone to ocidReadHandle's writeData:(ocidErrorOutData) |error| :(reference)
209  log (item 1 of listDone) as boolean
210  set listDone to ocidReadHandle's closeAndReturnError:(reference)
211  log (item 1 of listDone) as boolean
212end if
214if numReturnNo = 1 then
215  return "1: スクリプトエラー"
216else if numReturnNo = 2 then
217  return "2: 引数エラー"
218else if numReturnNo = 126 then
219  return "126: アクセス権エラー"
220else if numReturnNo = 127 then
221  return "127: スクリプトファイルが見つかりません"
222else if numReturnNo = 130 then
223  return "130: 強制終了"
224else if numReturnNo = 133 then
225  return "133: 異常終了"
226end if
231### 今の日付日間 テキスト
233to doGetDateNo(argDateFormat)
234  ####日付情報の取得
235  set ocidDate to current application's NSDate's |date|()
236  ###日付のフォーマットを定義
237  set ocidNSDateFormatter to current application's NSDateFormatter's alloc()'s init()
238  set ocidLocale to current application's NSLocale's localeWithLocaleIdentifier:("ja_JP_POSIX")
239  ocidNSDateFormatter's setLocale:(ocidLocale)
240  set ocidTimeZone to current application's NSTimeZone's alloc()'s initWithName:("Asia/Tokyo")
241  ocidNSDateFormatter's setTimeZone:(ocidTimeZone)
242  ocidNSDateFormatter's setDateFormat:(argDateFormat)
243  set ocidDateAndTime to ocidNSDateFormatter's stringFromDate:(ocidDate)
244  set strDateAndTime to ocidDateAndTime as text
245  return strDateAndTime
246end doGetDateNo
252to doGetTimeInderval(argStartTime)
253  #今の時間
254  set ocidEndTime to refMe's NSDate's |date|()
255  #渡されたスタート時間からの間隔を取得
256  set numIntervalSec to ocidEndTime's timeIntervalSinceDate:(argStartTime)
257  #戻り値が秒数値なので時間にする
258  set numH to (numIntervalSec / 3600) as integer
259  set numM to ((numIntervalSec - (numH * 3600)) / 60) as integer
260  set numS to (numIntervalSec - (numH * 3600) - (numM * 60)) as integer
261  #2桁テキストにして
262  set appFormatter to refMe's NSNumberFormatter's alloc()'s init()
263  appFormatter's setMinimumIntegerDigits:(2)
264  appFormatter's setPaddingCharacter:("0")
265  appFormatter's setPaddingPosition:(refMe's NSNumberFormatterPadBeforePrefix)
266  set strH to (appFormatter's stringFromNumber:(numH)) as text
267  set strM to (appFormatter's stringFromNumber:(numM)) as text
268  set strS to (appFormatter's stringFromNumber:(numS)) as text
269  #戻り値用整形
270  set strInterval to (strH & ":" & strM & ":" & strS) as text
271  return strInterval
272end doGetTimeInderval




【スクリプトエディタで開く】 |

001#! /usr/bin/env osascript
006use AppleScript version "2.8"
007use framework "Foundation"
008use framework "UniformTypeIdentifiers"
009use framework "AppKit"
010use framework "CoreMedia"
011use scripting additions
013property refMe : a reference to current application
017## ダイアログ
019set strName to (name of current application) as text
020if strName is "osascript" then
021  tell application "Finder" to activate
023  tell current application to activate
024end if
025############ デフォルトロケーション
026set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
027set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
028set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
029set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
031set listUTI to {""} as list
032set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
033set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
035  ### ファイル選択
036  set listAliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location aliasDefaultLocation of type listUTI with invisibles, multiple selections allowed and showing package contents) as list
037on error
038  log "エラーしました"
039  return "エラーしました"
040end try
041if listAliasFilePath is {} then
042  return "選んでください"
043end if
045## 時間表示用のフォーマット
047set ocidDateFormatter to refMe's NSDateComponentsFormatter's alloc()'s init()
048set numHunit to (refMe's NSCalendarUnitHour) as integer
049set numMunit to (refMe's NSCalendarUnitMinute) as integer
050set numSunit to (refMe's NSCalendarUnitSecond) as integer
051ocidDateFormatter's setAllowedUnits:((numHunit) + (numMunit) + (numSunit))
052ocidDateFormatter's setUnitsStyle:(refMe's NSDateComponentsFormatterUnitsStyleFull)
054set strOutPutText to "" as text
055set numTotalTime to 0 as integer
057repeat with itemAliasFilePath in listAliasFilePath
058  #パス
059  set strFilePath to (POSIX path of itemAliasFilePath) as text
060  set ocidFilePathStr to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath))
061  set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
062  set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)
063  #AVAssetに読み込んで 長さを計算
064  set ocidReadAsset to (refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:(ocidFilePathURL))
065  set listDuration to ocidReadAsset's duration()
066  set numTimeValue to (item 1 of listDuration) as integer
067  set numTimeScall to (item 2 of listDuration) as integer
068  set numTimeSec to (numTimeValue / numTimeScall) as integer
069  #メタデータからタイトルとアーティスト名を取得
070  set strTitle to ("タイトル不明") as text
071  set strArtist to ("アーティスト名不明") as text
072  set ocidMetaDataArray to ocidReadAsset's commonMetadata()
073  repeat with itemMetaData in ocidMetaDataArray
074    set strKeyName to (itemMetaData's commonKey()) as text
075    if strKeyName is "title" then
076      set strTitle to itemMetaData's value() as text
077    else if strKeyName is "artist" then
078      set strArtist to itemMetaData's value() as text
079    end if
080  end repeat
081  #この曲の長さ
082  set ocidSongTime to (ocidDateFormatter's stringFromTimeInterval:(numTimeSec))
083  ###取得した情報をテキストに加算していく
084  set strOutPutText to strOutPutText & ("" & (ocidSongTime as text) & ":" & strTitle & " - " & strArtist & "\r") as text
085  ###時間(秒)の加算
086  set numTotalTime to numTotalTime + numTimeSec as number
088end repeat
090set ocidTimeStr to ocidDateFormatter's stringFromTimeInterval:(numTotalTime)
092set strMes1 to "合計時間は" & ocidTimeStr & "秒です"
095set strOutPutText to "" & strMes1 & "\n" & strOutPutText as text
097## ダイアログ
100tell current application
101  set strName to name as text
102end tell
104if strName is "osascript" then
105  tell application "Finder" to activate
107  tell current application to activate
108end if
109set strBundleID to ""
110set aliasIconPath to doGetIconPath(strBundleID) as alias
111set strDefaultAnswer to "入力してください" as text
113  set recordResponse to (display dialog "選択したミュージックファイルの合計時間" with title "結果です" default answer strOutPutText buttons {"クリップボードにコピー", "再実行", "終了"} default button "終了" cancel button "終了" with icon aliasIconPath giving up after 30 without hidden answer)
114on error
115  log "エラーしました"
116  return "エラーしました"
117end try
118if true is equal to (gave up of recordResponse) then
119  return "時間切れですやりなおしてください"
120end if
124if button returned of recordResponse is "再実行" then
125  tell application "Finder"
126    set aliasPathToMe to (path to me) as alias
127  end tell
128  run script aliasPathToMe with parameters "再実行"
129end if
134if button returned of recordResponse is "クリップボードにコピー" then
135  try
136    set strText to text returned of recordResponse as text
137    ####ペーストボード宣言
138    set appPasteboard to refMe's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
139    set ocidText to (refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strText))
140    appPasteboard's clearContents()
141    appPasteboard's setString:(ocidText) forType:(refMe's NSPasteboardTypeString)
142  on error
143    tell application "Finder"
144      set the clipboard to strText as text
145    end tell
146  end try
147end if
152## サブルーチン
155to doGetIconPath(argBundleID)
156  ##初期化
157  set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
158  set appShardWorkspace to refMe's NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace()
159  ##バンドルIDからアプリケーションのインストール先を求める
160  set ocidAppBundle to (refMe's NSBundle's bundleWithIdentifier:(argBundleID))
161  if ocidAppBundle ≠ (missing value) then
162    set ocidAppPathURL to ocidAppBundle's bundleURL()
163  else if ocidAppBundle = (missing value) then
164    set ocidAppPathURL to (appShardWorkspace's URLForApplicationWithBundleIdentifier:(argBundleID))
165  end if
166  ##予備(アプリケーションのURL)
167  if ocidAppPathURL = (missing value) then
168    tell application "Finder"
169      try
170        set aliasAppApth to (application file id argBundleID) as alias
171        set strAppPath to POSIX path of aliasAppApth as text
172        set strAppPathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strAppPath)
173        set strAppPath to strAppPathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
174        set ocidAppPathURL to refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(strAppPath) isDirectory:true
175      on error
176        return "アプリケーションが見つかりませんでした"
177      end try
178    end tell
179  end if
181  ###アイコン名をPLISTから取得
182  set ocidPlistPathURL to ocidAppPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:("Contents/Info.plist") isDirectory:false
183  set ocidPlistDict to refMe's NSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s initWithContentsOfURL:(ocidPlistPathURL)
184  set strIconFileName to (ocidPlistDict's valueForKey:("CFBundleIconFile")) as text
185  ###ICONのURLにして
186  set strPath to ("Contents/Resources/" & strIconFileName) as text
187  set ocidIconFilePathURL to ocidAppPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:(strPath) isDirectory:false
188  ###拡張子の有無チェック
189  set strExtensionName to (ocidIconFilePathURL's pathExtension()) as text
190  if strExtensionName is "" then
191    set ocidIconFilePathURL to ocidIconFilePathURL's URLByAppendingPathExtension:"icns"
192  end if
193  ###ICONファイルが実際にあるか?チェック
194  set boolExists to appFileManager's fileExistsAtPath:(ocidIconFilePathURL's |path|)
195  ###ICONがみつかない時用にデフォルトを用意する
196  if boolExists is false then
197    set aliasIconPath to POSIX file "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/AlertNoteIcon.icns"
198  else
199    set aliasIconPath to ocidIconFilePathURL's absoluteURL() as alias
200  end if
201  return aliasIconPath as alias
202end doGetIconPath




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use framework "CoreMedia"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

set ocidUserDesktopPath to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set aliasDefaultLocation to ocidUserDesktopPath as alias
tell application "Finder"
  ## set aliasDefaultLocation to container of (path to me) as alias
end tell
set strPromptText to "入力フォルダを選んでください"
  set listResponse to (choose folder strPromptText with prompt strPromptText default location aliasDefaultLocation without multiple selections allowed, invisibles and showing package contents) as list
on error
log "エラーしました"
end try
set aliasDirPath to (item 1 of listResponse) as alias
set strDirPath to POSIX path of aliasDirPath as text
set ocidDirPath to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:strDirPath
set ocidDirPathURL to refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:ocidDirPath isDirectory:true
set listSubPathArray to appFileManager's subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:ocidDirPathURL |error|:(reference)
set ocidSubPathArray to item 1 of listSubPathArray

repeat with itemSubPathArray in ocidSubPathArray
  set ocidFilePathURL to (ocidDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:itemSubPathArray)
  set ocidFileName to ocidFilePathURL's lastPathComponent
  set strFileName to ocidFileName as text
  set ocidBaseFileName to ocidFileName's stringByDeletingPathExtension
  set strBaseFileName to ocidBaseFileName as text
  set ocidFileExtension to ocidFilePathURL's pathExtension
  set strFileExtension to ocidFileExtension as text
  if strFileExtension is "mp3" then
    set ocidContainerDirPathURL to ocidFilePathURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent
    set listRate to doGetDataAndSampleRate(ocidFilePathURL)
    set strAddFileName to ("." & (item 1 of listRate) & "x" & (item 2 of listRate) & "." & (item 3 of listRate) & "M.") as text
    set strNewFileName to strBaseFileName & strAddFileName & strFileExtension as text
    set ocidNewFilePathURL to (ocidContainerDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:strNewFileName)
    set listResult to (appFileManager's moveItemAtURL:ocidFilePathURL toURL:ocidNewFilePathURL |error|:(reference))
  else if strFileExtension is "m4a" then
    set ocidContainerDirPathURL to ocidFilePathURL's URLByDeletingLastPathComponent
    set listRate to doGetDataAndSampleRate(ocidFilePathURL)
    set strAddFileName to ("." & (item 1 of listRate) & "x" & (item 2 of listRate) & "." & (item 3 of listRate) & "M.") as text
    set strNewFileName to strBaseFileName & strAddFileName & strFileExtension as text
    set ocidNewFilePathURL to (ocidContainerDirPathURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:strNewFileName)
    set listResult to (appFileManager's moveItemAtURL:ocidFilePathURL toURL:ocidNewFilePathURL |error|:(reference))
  end if
end repeat

### データレート と サンプルレートを読み取るサブ
to doGetDataAndSampleRate(argURL)
  set ocidReadAsset to (refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:argURL)
  ## log ocidReadAsset's preferredRate()
  set ocidReadAssetDuration to ocidReadAsset's duration()
  set numTimeValue to (item 1 of ocidReadAssetDuration) as integer
  set numTimeScall to (item 2 of ocidReadAssetDuration) as integer
  set numMin to ((numTimeValue / numTimeScall) / 60) as number
  set strMin to doRound2Dec({numMin, 2, "up"}) as text
  set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's tracks()
  set ocidTrack to (ocidReadAssetTrackArray's objectAtIndex:0)
  set numSampleRate to ocidTrack's naturalTimeScale() as integer
  set strSampleRate to (round (numSampleRate / 100) rounding down) as text
  set ocidDataRate to ocidTrack's estimatedDataRate() as integer
  set numDataRate to ocidDataRate as integer
  if numDataRate = 0 then
    set strArgFilePath to (argURL's |path|()) as text
    set strCommandText to ("/usr/bin/afinfo -i \"" & strArgFilePath & "\"") as text
log strCommandText
      with timeout of 10 seconds
        set strResponse to (do shell script strCommandText) as text
      end timeout
    on error
return {0, strSampleRate}
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\r"
    set listResponse to every text item of strResponse
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    repeat with itemLineText in listResponse
      if itemLineText starts with "bit rate" then
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
        set listLineText to every text item of itemLineText
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
        set strDataRate to (round ((item 3 of listLineText) / 1000)) as text
        exit repeat
      end if
    end repeat
    set strDataRate to (round (numDataRate / 1000)) as text
  end if
return {strDataRate, strSampleRate, strMin}
end doGetDataAndSampleRate
# 小数点以下桁揃え  数値 桁数 四捨五入 up or down
to doRound2Dec({argNumNumber, argNumDecNo, argStrRound})
  set numNumber to argNumNumber as number
  set numDecNo to argNumDecNo as integer
  set strRound to argStrRound as text
  # 10のx乗 
  set numDec to (10 ^ numDecNo) as integer
  # ↑の数桁数だけ元の数値の桁数を増やして
  set numStep1 to (numNumber * numDec) as number
  # 数値の丸め 繰り上がりup と繰り下がりdownの処理
  if strRound is "up" then
    set numStep2 to (round of numStep1 rounding up) as integer
  else if strRound is "down" then
    set numStep2 to (round of numStep1 rounding down) as integer
  end if
  # 最後の桁数を戻して
  set numStep3 to (numStep2 / numDec) as number
  # テキストで戻す場合
  # set strStep3 to (numStep2 / numDec) as text
  # 数値で戻す
return numStep3
end doRound2Dec




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use framework "CoreMedia"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
############ デフォルトロケーション
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set listUTI to {""}
set aliasFilePath to (choose file with prompt "ムービーファイルを選んでください" default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)

### ムービー読み込み
set ocidReadAsset to refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:(ocidFilePathURL)
set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's tracks()
set ocidVideoTrack to ocidReadAssetTrackArray's firstObject()
set recordAssetTrackNaturalSize to ocidVideoTrack's naturalSize()
log recordAssetTrackNaturalSize
set numW to (width of recordAssetTrackNaturalSize) as integer
set numH to (height of recordAssetTrackNaturalSize) as integer

log "w:" & numW
log "h:" & numH


[AVAsset]ビデオの長さ 時間の取得


#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use framework "CoreMedia"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
############ デフォルトロケーション
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set listUTI to {""}
set aliasFilePath to (choose file with prompt "ムービーファイルを選んでください" default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)

### ムービー読み込み
set ocidReadAsset to refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:(ocidFilePathURL)
set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's tracks()
set ocidVideoTrack to ocidReadAssetTrackArray's firstObject()
set ocidAssetTrackTimeRange to ocidVideoTrack's timeRange()
set listTimeRange to (item 2 of ocidAssetTrackTimeRange)
set strSec to ((item 1 of listTimeRange) / (item 2 of listTimeRange)) as integer
set numH to (round of (strSec / 3600) rounding down)
set numM to (round of ((strSec - (numH * 3600)) / 60) rounding down)
set numS to strSec - (numH * 3600) - (numM * 60)

set strZeroSup to "00" as text
set strH to (text -2 through -1 of ("00" & numH)) as text
set strM to (text -2 through -1 of ("00" & numM)) as text
set strS to (text -2 through -1 of ("00" & numS)) as text

set strSStime to (strH & ":" & strM & ":" & strS) as text
log strSStime
set strMes to ("計算結果です: " & strSec & "秒は \r " & strSStime & "\r" & numH & "時間" & numM & "分" & numS & "秒\r" & strH & "時間" & strM & "分" & strS & "秒\r") as text

log strMes





#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use framework "CoreMedia"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
############ デフォルトロケーション
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set listUTI to {""}
set aliasFilePath to (choose file with prompt "ムービーファイルを選んでください" default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)

### ムービー読み込み
set ocidReadAsset to refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:(ocidFilePathURL)
set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's tracks()
set ocidVideoTrack to ocidReadAssetTrackArray's firstObject()
set numDataRate to ocidVideoTrack's estimatedDataRate() as number
set numDataRate to (numDataRate / 1000) as integer
set strDataRate to numDataRate as text
log strDataRate


[AVAsset] フレームレートfpsの取得


#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use framework "CoreMedia"
use scripting additions

property refMe : a reference to current application
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()

tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
############ デフォルトロケーション
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set listUTI to {""}
set aliasFilePath to (choose file with prompt "ムービーファイルを選んでください" default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
set strFilePath to (POSIX path of aliasFilePath) as text
set ocidFilePathStr to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
set ocidFilePath to ocidFilePathStr's stringByStandardizingPath()
set ocidFilePathURL to (refMe's NSURL's alloc()'s initFileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath) isDirectory:false)

### ムービー読み込み
set ocidReadAsset to refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:(ocidFilePathURL)
set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's tracks()
set ocidVideoTrack to ocidReadAssetTrackArray's firstObject()
set ocidAssetTrackTimeRange to ocidVideoTrack's timeRange()
set listTimeRange to (item 2 of ocidAssetTrackTimeRange)
set strSec to ((item 1 of listTimeRange) / (item 2 of listTimeRange)) as integer

set numFlameRate to ocidVideoTrack's nominalFrameRate()
log numFlameRate
set ocidFormatter to refMe's NSNumberFormatter's alloc()'s init()
(ocidFormatter's setNumberStyle:(refMe's NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle))
(ocidFormatter's setMinimumFractionDigits:(1))
(ocidFormatter's setMaximumFractionDigits:(1))
(ocidFormatter's setRoundingMode:(refMe's NSNumberFormatterRoundDown))
set strFlameRate to (ocidFormatter's stringFromNumber:(numFlameRate)) as text
log strFlameRate




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "CoreMedia"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
####ダイアログ 入力ビデオ
tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
############ デフォルトロケーション
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set listUTI to {""}
set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
  ### ファイル
  set aliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
on error
  log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
set strFilePath to POSIX path of aliasFilePath
set ocidFilePath to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
set ocidFilePathURL to refMe's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath)

####ダイアログ 出力フォルダ
tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
set strMes to "フォルダを選んでください" as text
set strPrompt to "フォルダを選択してください" as text
  set aliasResponse to (choose folder strMes with prompt strPrompt default location aliasDefaultLocation without multiple selections allowed, invisibles and showing package contents) as alias
on error
  log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
set strSaveDirPath to POSIX path of aliasResponse
set ocidSaveDirPath to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strSaveDirPath)
set ocidSaveDirPathURL to refMe's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(ocidSaveDirPath)

set ocidReadAsset to refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:(ocidFilePathURL)
set ocidReadAssetDuration to ocidReadAsset's duration()
log ocidReadAssetDuration as record
set cmTime to refMe's CMTimeGetSeconds(ocidReadAssetDuration)
set numHours to (round of ((cmTime as number) / 3600) rounding down) as integer
set numMinutes to (round of (((cmTime as number) - (numHours * 3600)) / 60) rounding down) as integer
set numSec to cmTime - ((numHours * 3600) + (numMinutes * 60))
log "時間:" & numHours & "時 " & numHours & "分 " & numSec & "秒"
set ocidReadAssetTrackGArray to ocidReadAsset's trackGroups()
set numCntTrackG to (ocidReadAssetTrackGArray count) as integer
log "トラックグループ数: " & numCntTrackG
log ("トラックグループID: " & ((ocidReadAssetTrackGArray's firstObject())'s trackIDs() as integer)) as text

set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's tracks()
set numCntTrack to (ocidReadAssetTrackArray count) as integer
log "トラック数は: " & numCntTrack
repeat with itemIntNo from 0 to (numCntTrack - 1) by 1
  set ocidTrack to (ocidReadAssetTrackArray's objectAtIndex:(itemIntNo))
  log className() of ocidTrack as text
  set strTrackID to ocidTrack's trackID() as text
  log strTrackID
  set strMediaType to ocidTrack's mediaType() as text
  if strMediaType is "vide" then
    log "MediaType: vide ビデオトラック:トラックIDは" & strTrackID
    ## トラックの総時間
    set listAssetTrackTimeRange to ocidTrack's timeRange()
    set listStartTime to (item 1 of listAssetTrackTimeRange)
    set listDurationTime to (item 2 of listAssetTrackTimeRange)
    log listStartTime as list
    log listDurationTime as list
    set numAssetTrackTimeScale to ocidTrack's naturalTimeScale()
    log numAssetTrackTimeScale
    set recordAssetTrackNaturalSize to ocidTrack's naturalSize()
    log recordAssetTrackNaturalSize
    set numTrackWidth to (width of recordAssetTrackNaturalSize) as integer
    set numTrackHeight to (height of recordAssetTrackNaturalSize) as integer
    set recordCMTimeFrameDura to ocidTrack's minFrameDuration()
    set numFlameScale to ((value of recordCMTimeFrameDura) / (timescale of recordCMTimeFrameDura)) as number
    log numFlameScale
    set numFlameRateDura to (1 / numFlameScale)
    log numFlameRateDura
    set numFlameRate to ocidTrack's nominalFrameRate() as number
    log numFlameRate
  else if strMediaType is "soun" then
    log "MediaType: soun サウンドトラック:トラックIDは" & strTrackID
  end if
end repeat


[AVAsset]トラックグループ と トラック数


#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "CoreMedia"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
############ デフォルトロケーション
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set listUTI to {""}
set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
  ### ファイル
  set aliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
on error
  log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
set strFilePath to POSIX path of aliasFilePath
set ocidFilePath to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
set ocidFilePathURL to refMe's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath)
set ocidReadAsset to refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:(ocidFilePathURL)

set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's trackGroups()
set numCntTrackG to (ocidReadAssetTrackArray count) as integer
log "トラックグループ数: " & numCntTrackG
log ("トラックグループID: " & ((ocidReadAssetTrackArray's firstObject())'s trackIDs() as integer)) as text

set ocidReadAssetTrackArray to ocidReadAsset's tracks()
set numCntTrack to (ocidReadAssetTrackArray count) as integer
log "トラック数は: " & numCntTrack




#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# com.cocolog-nifty.quicktimer.icefloe
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AVFoundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "CoreMedia"
use scripting additions
property refMe : a reference to current application
tell current application
  set strName to name as text
end tell
if strName is "osascript" then
  tell application "Finder" to activate
  tell current application to activate
end if
############ デフォルトロケーション
set appFileManager to refMe's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
set ocidURLsArray to (appFileManager's URLsForDirectory:(refMe's NSDesktopDirectory) inDomains:(refMe's NSUserDomainMask))
set ocidDesktopDirPathURL to ocidURLsArray's firstObject()
set aliasDefaultLocation to (ocidDesktopDirPathURL's absoluteURL()) as alias
set listUTI to {""}
set strMes to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
set strPrompt to ("ファイルを選んでください") as text
  ### ファイル
  set aliasFilePath to (choose file strMes with prompt strPrompt default location (aliasDefaultLocation) of type listUTI with invisibles and showing package contents without multiple selections allowed) as alias
on error
  log "エラーしました"
return "エラーしました"
end try
set strFilePath to POSIX path of aliasFilePath
set ocidFilePath to refMe's NSString's stringWithString:(strFilePath)
set ocidFilePathURL to refMe's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(ocidFilePath)
set ocidReadAsset to refMe's AVAsset's assetWithURL:(ocidFilePathURL)
set ocidReadAssetDuration to ocidReadAsset's duration()
set cmTime to refMe's CMTimeGetSeconds(ocidReadAssetDuration)
set numHours to (round of ((cmTime as number) / 3600) rounding down) as integer
set numMinutes to (round of (((cmTime as number) - (numHours * 3600)) / 60) rounding down) as integer
set numSec to cmTime - ((numHours * 3600) + (numMinutes * 60))
log "時間:" & numHours & "時 " & numHours & "分 " & numSec & "秒"




Accessibility Acrobat Acrobat 2020 Acrobat AddOn Acrobat Annotation Acrobat ARMDC Acrobat AV2 Acrobat BookMark Acrobat Classic Acrobat DC Acrobat Dialog Acrobat Distiller Acrobat Form Acrobat JS Acrobat Manifest Acrobat Menu Acrobat Open Acrobat Plugin Acrobat Preferences Acrobat Preflight Acrobat python Acrobat Reader Acrobat SCA Acrobat SCA Updater Acrobat Sequ Acrobat Sign Acrobat Stamps Acrobat Watermark Acrobat Windows Acrobat Windows Reader Admin Admin Account Admin Apachectl Admin configCode Admin Device Management Admin LaunchServices Admin Locationd Admin loginitem Admin Maintenance Admin Mobileconfig Admin Permission Admin Pkg Admin Power Management Admin Printer Admin SetUp Admin SMB Admin Support Admin System Information Admin Tools Admin Users Admin Volumes Adobe Adobe FDKO Adobe RemoteUpdateManager AppKit Apple AppleScript AppleScript do shell script AppleScript List AppleScript ObjC AppleScript Osax AppleScript PDF AppleScript Pictures AppleScript record AppleScript Script Editor AppleScript Script Menu AppleScript Shortcuts AppleScript Shortcuts Events AppleScript System Events AppleScript System Events Plist AppleScript Video Applications AppStore Archive Attributes Automator BackUp Barcode Barcode QR Barcode QR Decode Bash Basic Basic Path Bluetooth BOX Browser Calendar CD/DVD Choose Chrome CIImage CityCode CloudStorage Color Console Contacts CotEditor CURL current application Date&Time delimiters Desktop Device Diff Disk Dock DropBox Droplet eMail Encode % Encode Decode Encode UTF8 Error EXIFData ffmpeg File Finder Firefox Folder FolderAction Fonts GIF github Guide HTML HTML Entity Icon Illustrator Image Events Image2PDF ImageOptim iPhone iWork Javascript Jedit Json Label Leading Zero List locationd LRC lsappinfo LSSharedFileList m3u8 Mail MakePDF Map Math Media Media AVAsset Media AVconvert Media AVFoundation Media AVURLAsset Media Movie Media Music Memo Messages Microsoft Microsoft Edge Microsoft Excel Mouse Music NetWork Notes NSArray NSArray Sort NSBezierPath NSBitmapImageRep NSBundle NSCFBoolean NSCharacterSet NSColor NSColorList NSData NSDecimalNumber NSDictionary NSError NSEvent NSFileAttributes NSFileManager NSFileManager enumeratorAtURL NSFont NSFontManager NSGraphicsContext NSImage NSIndex NSKeyedArchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver NSLocale NSMutableArray NSMutableDictionary NSMutableString NSNotFound NSNumber NSOpenPanel NSPasteboard NSpoint NSPredicate NSPrintOperation NSRange NSRect NSRegularExpression NSRunningApplication NSScreen NSSize NSString NSString stringByApplyingTransform NSStringCompareOptions NSTask NSTimeZone NSURL NSURL File NSURLBookmark NSURLComponents NSURLResourceKey NSURLSession NSUserDefaults NSUUID NSView NSWorkspace Numbers OAuth OneDrive PDF PDFAnnotation PDFAnnotationWidget PDFContext PDFDisplayBox PDFDocumentPermissions PDFImageRep PDFKit PDFnUP PDFOutline perl Photoshop PlistBuddy pluginkit postalcode PostScript prefPane Preview Python QuickLook QuickTime ReadMe Regular Expression Reminders ReName Repeat RTF Safari SaveFile ScreenCapture ScreenSaver SF Symbols character id SF Symbols Entity sips Skype Slack Sound Spotlight sqlite SRT StandardAdditions Swift System Settings TCC TemporaryItems Terminal Text Text CSV Text MD Text TSV TextEdit Tools Translate Trash Twitter Typography UI Unit Conversion UTType valueForKeyPath Video VisionKit Visual Studio Code Wacom webarchive webp Wifi Windows XML XML EPUB XML OPML XML Plist XML RSS XML savedSearch XML SVG XML TTML XML webloc XML XMP YouTube zoom